Nik-Potokar / XIVSlothCombo

XivCombo for very lazy gamers
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Crash with sloth config open. Also FPS weirdness. #1381

Open Soltheron opened 1 month ago

Soltheron commented 1 month ago

I've noticed this in the past as well where the only time Sloth will crash my game is if the configuration window is open.

I wasn't even in combat and was just running around clicking config settings (Machinist ones if that matters), and the game crashed. This has happened in the past, too.

I haven't had any other crashes in this game for a very long time now so I doubt it's something else.

Another issue is that just having the /scombo window open will drop my FPS down by 10 frames, which is odd.

Kagekazu commented 1 month ago

got any crash logs? otherwise its pretty hard to find what is causing the crash.

Especially since its the first time someone tells us sloth crashes their game.

Soltheron commented 1 month ago

It closed the game abruptly so I don't know if there are any. What files do you want, specifically?

Kagekazu commented 1 month ago

%appdata%\XIVLauncher\dalamud.log %appdata%\XIVLauncher\dalamud.boot.log

only send them after it crashed, but before u start ur game again. Cause they get reset when u start the game again.

Soltheron commented 1 month ago

Alright, I'll see if I can crash it again lol...