Nik-Potokar / XIVSlothCombo

XivCombo for very lazy gamers
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When `Global Font Scale` is set to approximately >150%, UI elements are cut off #1411

Open ryankhart opened 5 days ago

ryankhart commented 5 days ago

So far, this is a minor bug, and from my limited experience mostly a cosmetic one, but I keep my Global Font Scale setting in the Dalamud settings at 200% because I use a 4K TV from across the room from my couch.

This is what it looks like for me, The back button and the job name title section is cut off: image

If you ask me, that global font scale setting should be more like a UI scale setting that proportionally scales everything, not just the fonts, but unfortunately, that's not the case, and I don't know if there's a specific technical reason for that or not. So it seems that it falls on each plugin dev plate to test and design a UI layout that works for a wide variety of global font scales, which can unfortunately leave a lot of blank space when at 100% font scale.

Could we maybe increase the height of that section where the back button is? Or maybe someone has a better solution. I love the new UI layout by the way. This is just a little nitpick with my particular use case.