NikCasar / volunteer-form

Create a large-scale volunteer registration form for a not-for-profit organization.
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I don't know what's wrong? #1

Open NikCasar opened 4 years ago

NikCasar commented 4 years ago

I got the last two screenshots within 13% and 14%, I'm not really sure what I'm missing or need to fix.-nikki


muxlowc commented 4 years ago


1) So it looks like you're missing your fieldset and legend (which you currently have as an h3). Also, if you look at it, this is actually 1 form, broken down into 5 sections (+1 which is the button). So you need to have these fieldsets wrapped in only 1 <form> tag - there arent multiple forms here

Here's some code to get you started

<div class="wrapper push-2">
    <form method="post" action="">

      <fieldset class="pad-t-1-2">
        <legend class="gutter-1-2 giga push">Personal details</legend>

        <div class="grid">

2) one thing we want to do for this one, is we actually want to use a horizontal line that doesn't look like the default. So we want to hide the line we get from the fieldset, and add in our our <hr> and make it green:

fieldset { border: 0; }

hr { border-color: #70ad55; opacity: .3; }

hope this helps!

NikCasar commented 4 years ago

ok so, I reformated it in to one form and now I just have the 320px screenshoot at 14%.- Nikki @muxlowc