NikVetr / MoTrPAC_Complex_Traits

code for paper "the impact of exercise on gene regulation in association with complex trait genetics"
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publish RData objects #2

Open nicolerg opened 1 year ago

nicolerg commented 1 year ago

Can important RData objects be published, i.e. on Zenodo, to enable reproducibility? Smaller text files can be added directly to this repository. I'll add lines as I see them.

At a minimum, the script used to generate an RData file should be included, with a comment to that effect when it's loaded; for external files/results, a comment about where they can be found should be included.

nicolerg commented 1 year ago

As far as I can tell, here is a comprehensive list of all external RData/txt files that are used but not documented:


I think the easiest way to address this would be to add a section in the README that provides a brief description of where each file comes from (instead of every time the file is read in the scripts). There are a few RData that should probably be published on Zenodo too. Or, if it's easy, copy all of these files into a folder and publish the whole folder on Zenodo. Then change paths in the scripts to reflect the directory structure in Zenodo.

nicolerg commented 1 year ago

From the README, it sounds like you were already planning on doing this, but hopefully this is helpful!