Nikeev / sesdashboard

Analytics and activity tracking dashboard for AWS Simple Email Service
MIT License
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Installing to a shared hosting enviroment #7

Closed Robmobius closed 3 years ago

Robmobius commented 3 years ago

I asked my webhost to install this on a subdomain. They tried but could not with the following comment

"However, it turned out that the application is developed to work with the local host or the IP Address of the Server which is not possible since you are using one of our Shared Hosting Environments. Another option is for you to contact the developer of the application and ask how can we configure it to work under a custom URL"

Is it possible to get this installed in a shared environment?

Nikeev commented 3 years ago


Yes, it is possible to install to a shared hosting.

Steps may vary depend on specific shared hosting, but common steps are:

  1. Create new site project
  2. Git clone sesdashboard into it (or upload files manually)
  3. Run $ composer install to download packages
  4. If your web hosting web root is not /public, create a symlink to it. For example, my shared hosting provider has public_html/ folder ad web root for index.php by default. So it will be $ ln -s ~/sesdashboard/public ~/sesdashboard/public_html
  5. At the moment this package doesn't include .htaccess config file for Apache servers, but you could download default from and place it into public/ folder. In the future I'll include it into this repo.
  6. Copy .env file into .env.local and fill MySQL parameters and change APP_ENV to prod

Other steps like db install and user creation are the same:

This should work.

Robmobius commented 3 years ago

Superb, thanks Nikeev.

I have shared these guidelines with my host, I'll report back on how they get on.

Robmobius commented 3 years ago

Successfully installed but the UI seems very rudimentary when compared with screen grabs on

I suspect something has not installed correctly.

Nikeev commented 3 years ago

As we contacted by email, an issue was resolved.