Niketkumardheeryan / ML-CaPsule

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Lung Cancer Detection #292

Open pratishthaa opened 2 years ago

pratishthaa commented 2 years ago

Lung Cancer Detection by doing lung segmentation

Alaa543 commented 2 years ago

hi,i am GSSoC'22 contributor and I would like to work on this issue. can you assign me please?

binary11110 commented 2 years ago

i would like to work on this issue please

Rutikab12 commented 2 years ago

hi,i am GSSoC'22 contributor and I would like to work on this issue. can you assign me please?

@Alaa543 any updates regarding model?

Alaa543 commented 2 years ago

hi,i am GSSoC'22 contributor and I would like to work on this issue. can you assign me please?

@Alaa543 any updates regarding model?

i am still working on it can you tell me how much time you will give me on it

Alaa543 commented 2 years ago

hi,i am GSSoC'22 contributor and I would like to work on this issue. can you assign me please?

@Alaa543 any updates regarding model?

i am still working on it can you tell me how much time you will give me on it

Rutikab12 commented 2 years ago

hi,i am GSSoC'22 contributor and I would like to work on this issue. can you assign me please?

@Alaa543 any updates regarding model?

i am still working on it can you tell me how much time you will give me on it

It's already above 5 days. So please make a PR after 3 days otherwise I will have to reassign this issue to someone.

Jaya-Prakash-17 commented 1 month ago

Full name : Jaya Prakash Sangem (Im new to Open Source programs and also my GitHub profile is pretty much plain but, I have worked on similar project on classification of lung cancer from CT Scans, So, I hope that experice would help me here addressing this particular issue.)

GitHub Profile Link : Email ID :; Approach for this Project : -->Data Collection -->Data Preprocessing -->EDA (applying different filters like Guassian filter, gray scale etc to understand the image) --> Model Building & training (I paticularly want to try out various DL Models) and apply segmentation

What is your participant role?: Contributor @GSSOC24

So, kindly assign this issue to me. THANK YOU!!

Piyushseth55 commented 1 month ago

Hii, I am Piyush. Under GSSOC'24, I would like to work on this issue. Pls assign me this!! #gssoc24

kaishwarya24 commented 1 month ago

I am a GSSoC'24 contributor, I would like to contribute, and I have prior experience in Machine Learning, presently I am working on research papers where I have successfully done model training and testing with preprocessing, SMOTE techniques, hyperparameter tuning, and many more things. previously I have worked on Parkinson's detection and cardiovascular disease detection. @pratishthaa Ma'am I will do this, please assign me this task

SayantikaLaskar commented 1 month ago

I am a GSSoC'24 contributor and a machine learning engineer, could you please assign me this issue

Aryanmartinian commented 1 month ago

Hi I would like to contribute to this issue under gssoc 24