Niketkumardheeryan / ML-CaPsule

ML-capsule is a Project for beginners and experienced data science Enthusiasts who don't have a mentor or guidance and wish to learn Machine learning. Using our repo they can learn ML, DL, and many related technologies with different real-world projects and become Interview ready.
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Next word prediction using Neural Networks #299

Open pratishthaa opened 2 years ago

Rutikab12 commented 2 years ago

@Ad-hue any update on this model too?

shivam-s16 commented 2 years ago

@pratishthaa Hello, I am a gssoc'22 participant and I would like to contribute on this.

Rutikab12 commented 2 years ago

@pratishthaa Hello, I am a gssoc'22 participant and I would like to contribute on this.

Assigned @shivam-s16 . You have 5 days to make a PR.

SHREERAJ11 commented 1 month ago

I would like to work on this issue. I'm a GSSoC participant as a Contributor. I have a few different approaches to try and compare accuracies on this issue.

Himanshi11045 commented 3 weeks ago

Please assign me this issue.

Dhwanika26 commented 6 days ago

@pratishthaa I would like to work on this issue. I have worked on similar issues before please assign it to me. I need 5 days max to complete it.