Niketkumardheeryan / ML-CaPsule

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Data Visualization using Seaborn library. #635

Open Debargha-Saha opened 2 weeks ago

Debargha-Saha commented 2 weeks ago

I would like to add various techniques to for visualization of data like scatter plot,histogram & kde ,barplot and many more

Sanj-bot commented 2 weeks ago

I would like to work on your project?

paneer24 commented 2 weeks ago

I would like to work on this project

MJakash commented 2 weeks ago

hey! i can add various visualization parameters using seaborn libraries. I would like to contribute to this issue. I have worked on projects using seaborn library and have gained experience in analyzing the insites.

NadaRamadan commented 2 weeks ago

I am experienced in utilizing the Seaborn library for data visualization and analysis. I would like to contribute to this issue by implementing various Seaborn functions such as sns.lineplot(), sns.barplot(), sns.histplot(), sns.heatmap(), and sns.pairplot(). My previous projects have equipped me with valuable insights and expertise in using Seaborn effectively.

invigorzz313 commented 2 weeks ago

@Debargha-Saha Can you be more specific as to the type of data?

shubhamnakum commented 2 weeks ago

I want to work on this topic assign me the issue. I will add the neccessary plots using seaborn library.

arnavs04 commented 2 weeks ago

I would like to work on this, I have enough experience with seaborn.

Niketkumardheeryan commented 1 week ago

@Debargha-Saha go for it