Niketkumardheeryan / ML-CaPsule

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Drowsiness Detection using EEG signals #809

Open KamakshiOjha opened 2 weeks ago

KamakshiOjha commented 2 weeks ago

Aim : To develop a deep learning model to detect drowsiness from EEG signals using various algorithms and compare their performance to identify the best-fitted algorithm based on accuracy scores.

Approach :

  1. Exploratory Data Analysis (EDA):

    • Analyze and preprocess the EEG dataset.
    • Visualize EEG signals and class distributions.
  2. Model Development:

    • Implement the provided deep learning model using TensorFlow and Keras.
    • Develop and implement three additional models: Convolutional Neural Network (CNN).
  3. Model Training and Evaluation:

    • Train each model on the EEG dataset.
  4. Visualization and Conclusion:

    • Visualize training and validation metrics.

Please assign me this issue under GSSOC.

KamakshiOjha commented 1 week ago

Please assign me this issue under GSSOC.

KamakshiOjha commented 1 week ago

Submitted the Pull request for PR no - #809 Drowsiness Detection using EEG signals #782, and a previous Pull request for PR no - #772 --> Face Mask Detection using Machine learning(DL), Both are submitted