Niketkumardheeryan / ML-CaPsule

ML-capsule is a Project for beginners and experienced data science Enthusiasts who don't have a mentor or guidance and wish to learn Machine learning. Using our repo they can learn ML, DL, and many related technologies with different real-world projects and become Interview ready.
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Add Chatbot for Interacting with PDFs Using LLM for Text Embeddings #830

Open Rajendran2201 opened 1 week ago

Rajendran2201 commented 1 week ago

Issue #823

Hey @Niketkumardheeryan,

This pull request adds a new machine learning project, a chatbot that allows users to interact with their PDF documents. The chatbot uses a Large Language Model (LLM) for text embeddings to understand and respond to queries related to the content of the PDFs.

I request the maintainers to review the changes and merge the pull request if everything looks good.

Thank you!

github-actions[bot] commented 1 week ago

Thank you for submitting your pull request! 🙌 We'll review it as soon as possible. If there are any specific instructions or feedback regarding your PR, we'll provide them here. Thanks again for your contribution! 😊

invigorzz313 commented 1 week ago
  1. Create PR in a new branch and not directly from the master branch.
  2. Please avoid .py files. Instead use .ipynb files wherever necessary with proper commenting in the cells.