Niketkumardheeryan / ML-CaPsule

ML-capsule is a Project for beginners and experienced data science Enthusiasts who don't have a mentor or guidance and wish to learn Machine learning. Using our repo they can learn ML, DL, and many related technologies with different real-world projects and become Interview ready.
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Sarcasm Detection Model using Machine Learning(NLP) #833

Open KamakshiOjha opened 1 week ago

KamakshiOjha commented 1 week ago

Project Title : Sarcasm Detection Model Comparison Aim : To determine the best-performing machine learning model for sarcasm detection in headlines by comparing multiple algorithms based on accuracy scores. Dataset :

Approach : Try to use 3-4 algorithms (such as Embedding + GlobalAveragePooling1D, Embedding + Bidirectional LSTM, Embedding + Conv1D + Bidirectional LSTM) to implement the models. Perform exploratory data analysis (EDA) on the dataset before creating any models to understand its characteristics, I will try to implement 6 to 7 models for this.

Please assign me this issue under GSSOC.

further I request you to please review my pull requests - issue no - #809 Drowsiness Detection using EEG signals (pr no - #782), and a previous Pull request for PR no - #772 --> Face Mask Detection using Machine learning(DL), Both are submitted

KamakshiOjha commented 1 week ago

Please assign me this issue under GSSOC.

invigorzz313 commented 1 week ago

The issue has been assigned