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Abstraction based text summerization #1

Open Nikhilthehacker opened 1 year ago

Nikhilthehacker commented 1 year ago

import re import streamlit as st

NLTK Packages

import nltk from nltk.corpus import stopwords from nltk.tokenize import word_tokenize, sent_tokenize

SPACY Packages

import spacy from spacy.lang.en.stop_words import STOP_WORDS

Function for NLTK

def nltk_summarizer(docx): stopWords = set(stopwords.words("english")) words = word_tokenize(docx) freqTable = dict()

for word in words:
    word = word.lower()
    if word not in stopWords:
        if word in freqTable:
            freqTable[word] += 1
            freqTable[word] = 1

sentence_list= sent_tokenize(docx)
#sentenceValue = dict()
max_freq = max(freqTable.values())
for word in freqTable.keys():
    freqTable[word] = (freqTable[word]/max_freq)

sentence_scores = {}
for sent in sentence_list:
    for word in nltk.word_tokenize(sent.lower()):
        if word in freqTable.keys():
            if len(sent.split(' ')) < 30:
                if sent not in sentence_scores.keys():
                    sentence_scores[sent] = freqTable[word]
                    sentence_scores[sent] += freqTable[word]#total number of length of words

import heapq
summary_sentences = heapq.nlargest(8, sentence_scores, key=sentence_scores.get)
summary = ' '.join(summary_sentences)
return summary

Function for SPACY

def spacy_summarizer(docx):


stopWords = list(STOP_WORDS)
words = word_tokenize(docx)
freqTable = dict()

for word in words:
    word = word.lower()
    if word not in stopWords:
        if word in freqTable:
            freqTable[word] += 1
            freqTable[word] = 1

sentence_list= sent_tokenize(docx)
#sentenceValue = dict()
max_freq = max(freqTable.values())
for word in freqTable.keys():
    freqTable[word] = (freqTable[word]/max_freq)

sentence_scores = {}
for sent in sentence_list:
    for word in nltk.word_tokenize(sent.lower()):
        if word in freqTable.keys():
            if len(sent.split(' ')) < 30:
                if sent not in sentence_scores.keys():
                    sentence_scores[sent] = freqTable[word]
                    sentence_scores[sent] += freqTable[word]#total number of length of words

import heapq
summary_sentences = heapq.nlargest(8, sentence_scores, key=sentence_scores.get)
summary = ' '.join(summary_sentences)
return summary

def main(): st.title("Text Summarizer App") activities = ["Summarize Via Text"] choice = st.sidebar.selectbox("Select Activity", activities)

if choice == 'Summarize Via Text':
    st.subheader("Summary using NLP")
    article_text = st.text_area("Enter Text Here","Type here")
    #cleaning of input text
    article_text = re.sub(r'\\[[0-9]*\\]', ' ',article_text)
    article_text = re.sub('[^a-zA-Z.,]', ' ',article_text)
    article_text = re.sub(r"\b[a-zA-Z]\b",'',article_text)
    article_text = re.sub("[A-Z]\Z",'',article_text)
    article_text = re.sub(r'\s+', ' ', article_text)

    summary_choice = st.selectbox("Summary Choice" , ["NLTK","SPACY"])
    if st.button("Summarize Via Text"):
        if summary_choice == 'NLTK':
            summary_result = nltk_summarizer(article_text)
        elif summary_choice == 'SPACY':
            summary_result = spacy_summarizer(article_text)


if name=='main': main()