NikiforovAll / keycloak-authorization-services-dotnet

Authentication and Authorization with Keycloak and ASP.NET Core 🔐
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Multi Realm Authentication #122

Closed Azzahid closed 2 days ago

Azzahid commented 4 days ago

Hi guys,

Currently I face a problem where I need to authenticate JWT token from 2 different realm in one gateway. Currently my company is using this library to handle authentication process of the token, but from what I read it only handle 1 configuration for 1 authentication.

Is there a way to handle multi realm using this library ? If not do you guys have a suggestion how I can implement this ?

NikiforovAll commented 2 days ago

It is not supported out of the box, but you could try something like following:

Azzahid commented 2 days ago

Thank you, I'll try to implement it.