Closed publicJorn closed 1 year ago
I'd need your node version and prettier version to debug this 👍
Can you check whether you get the same error with this repository: With this dependencies it should work with a not outdated version of node
I have the same issue
@splincode would you mind giving me:
module.exports = {
$schema: '',
htmlWhitespaceSensitivity: 'ignore',
printWidth: 120,
tabWidth: 4,
proseWrap: 'always',
useTabs: false,
semi: true,
singleQuote: true,
trailingComma: 'all',
endOfLine: 'lf',
bracketSpacing: false,
singleAttributePerLine: true,
arrowParens: 'avoid',
plugins: [
attributeGroups: [
// prettier-plugin-organize-attribute
overrides: [
files: ['*.json', '.prettierrc', '.stylelintrc'],
options: {parser: 'json'},
files: ['*.less'],
options: {parser: 'less'},
files: ['*.scss'],
options: {parser: 'scss'},
files: ['*.component.html', '*.template.html'],
options: {parser: 'angular'},
files: ['*.xml'],
options: {parser: 'xml'},
files: ['*.yml', '*.yaml'],
options: {parser: 'yaml', tabWidth: 2},
files: ['*.md'],
options: {parser: 'markdown', tabWidth: 2},
files: ['*.js', '*.ts'],
options: {printWidth: 90, parser: 'typescript'},
files: ['*.html'],
options: {printWidth: 120, parser: 'angular'},
files: ['*.svg'],
options: {printWidth: 200, parser: 'svg'},
The newest major version of this plugin only support prettier V3. Please try it with an older major version
Oh, thank you
Thanks for your quick reply @NiklasPor! I was on the road for a few days.
It seems for me it was the same issue. Already had a prettier@2 installed. Cheers!
It is in the package.json ofcourse. Don't know if it's possible, but maybe a better error is possible? Don't know if you want to go there...
This plugin looks interesting. But I can't get it to use in it's basic form however. Am I doing something wrong?
I'm using VSCode and I've setup prettier to format on save. With the below configuration I'm getting error:
Even when I do provide
as documented I get this error. Eg:It looks like it breaks on