Nikolai558 / FE-BUDDY

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[FEAT REQ.] - Alias management #121

Open KSanders7070 opened 1 year ago

KSanders7070 commented 1 year ago

The user imports their current alias and it provides the user the ability to sort individual alias commands into organizational groupings by means of a collapse/uncollapse-like system.

Another part will be an ISR-creation system similar to allowing the user to create aliases in a guided way for each of their airports within the ARTCC. Provide the user the option to only create aliases for towered airports, as not every facility wishes to be 100% thorough.

Allow the system to also grab the data from "AIRAC Data" output files and update the standard AIRAC update aliases.

When there has been a change to a procedure, flag certain alias commands for the user to review changes.

Provide user the ability to output as a single alias file.

Consult with vNAS/CRC development team to see if changing to a JSON file would be beneficial for these type of things.