NikolaiVChr / flightgear-saab-ja-37-viggen

Saab 37 Viggen for Flightgear flight simulator
GNU General Public License v2.0
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AJS: Restrict possible loadout to accepted variants #111

Closed vanosten closed 4 years ago

vanosten commented 4 years ago

Cf. Fpl AJS 37 speciell förarinstruktion (SFI) del 2.pdf, page 188 in Kap IV. E.g. the use of the outermost pylons is quite restricted.

colingeniet commented 4 years ago

That's a nice table! Flightgear-wise there are two questions regarding loadout: the Fuel and Payload menu, and the quick payload select menus (in AJS-37->Reload...). I think restricting the former would be excessive. However the payload quick select could certainly use a rework. I propose the following:

vanosten commented 4 years ago

Agree with a separate payload quick select. Pinto made also a different one for the MiG-21, because the number of options would have grown too much.

colingeniet commented 4 years ago

Reading this table in more details, I feel like it might not be complete. A better source may be this table from the Speciell klargöringsinstruktion (SKI) AJS, AJSH, AJSF, Kap 2.10 --- pictures from Nikolai:

IMG_0249 IMG_0250 IMG_0251 IMG_0252

It contains more loadouts, including some that I was surprised not to see in the first one, such as 2x RB15, or 4x RB75.

NikolaiVChr commented 4 years ago

At the very least it can carry this I think as in the AJ:


NikolaiVChr commented 4 years ago


NikolaiVChr commented 4 years ago


NikolaiVChr commented 4 years ago


NikolaiVChr commented 4 years ago


colingeniet commented 4 years ago

To avoid ambiguity, that last table is the one Vanosten mentioned.

NikolaiVChr commented 4 years ago


vanosten commented 4 years ago

I am not sure how many combinations you can show on the loadout panel (and I would restrict to only show war weapons, not training or simulation stuff and not ferry config of Rb04 on centre pylon). A compromise could be to Visually differentiate between the ones mentioned on page 188ff in Del 2 and the ones mentioned in SKI. There are only few differences.

The only exception to the rule would be to show training bombs - because that seems to be the only mode where not all bombs are dropped within 1 interval.

colingeniet commented 4 years ago

I made the new loadout dialog: #117 I did it the fun way, with some nasal code to generate the table in the dialog---result is that loadouts can be added by simply editing the lists at the beginning of Nasal/payload/loadout.nas.

For the JA, I kept the existing historical loadouts with rb71s, and added a couple of more lightweight made-up modern loadouts.

For the AJS, currently all the loadouts are from the SKI table. There are a few versatile ones, with combination of Rb05/75, AKAN and Rb24/74. The others respect the 'get in, fire all at once, get out' philosophy, with only one type of weapon, plus one or two Rb24/74. I made up a M90 loadout based on the Rb15 one because I could not find any source for this.

Any suggestion to improve the current choice of loadouts? We can add 1, maybe 3 loadouts to the AJS (would bring the total to 18 or 20). I think more would start to be too much.

colingeniet commented 4 years ago

Merged the new dialog since there is no obvious issue with the logic/UI.

colingeniet commented 4 years ago

I added refuelling to the same dialog. Fuel quantity is selected through a slider, so that it is not limited to a few predefined choices.