[x] Fix AJS frequency selection panel. (only one switch for AM/FM, no secondary display).
[x] Improve JA frequency selectors. For instance the JA37 manual mentions that in BAS or NR mode, pressing a button will change the last channel character (very useful: the first two indicate the base / aircraft group, and the last is used for the channel within this base / group). Need to read the manual in detail.
[x] Fix allowed frequency band. (In particular UHF).
[ ] Not sure what to do with AM/FM
[x] Implement all frequency selection methods:
[x] The FR24/29 panel selects one of the following operation mode:
H : standby radio on guard frequency
E,F,G : standby radio on fixed frequencies (which ones?)
N : main radio
N+L : main radio + standby radio listening to guard frequency
[x] For the main radio, the frequency is selected with the FR22 / KV1 panel. There are several options:
direct frequency input
pre-programmed channel number
pre-programmed airport channel
(AJS only?) buttons for guard channel and 3 special pre-programmed channels
(AJS only?) channels E,F,G when base knob is in position ALLM
[x] The JA FR31 radio is like a duplicate of the main radio, working independently.
[x] For all the preprogrammed channels:
[x] Allow loading text configuration files
[ ] A dialog to set channels in sim? That seems like a bad idea, one can define around 1000 channels.
[ ] In sim frequencies sheet would be nice.
[x] Checks
[x] volume knobs
[x] left wall knob controls sidewinder/rb71/rb99 sound.
[x] Correct for the AJS
[ ] For the JA, it should be on the radar panel instead.
[x] rb71/rb99 sounds are not a thing afaik — this sound is for radar lock.
[x] property names ja37/radio/fr29/knob-vol and ja37/sound/helmet suck — new properties: ja37/sound/{warnings,ir}-volume
[x] Fr 29 volume knob: there should actually be 2 knobs
[x] Inner knob controls comm radio volume (really need that, there is no control right now)
[x] Outer knob controls warnings volume
For the AJS the corresponding Fr 24 panel has a knob for comm volume, nothing for warnings. It probably doesn't have the JA warnings in the first place, but that's a different question. As far as radios are concerned, it's okish to keep it as the JA.
[x] RWR panel knob controls RWR warnings. AJS could use a different panel, but that's a different problem.
suck — new properties:ja37/sound/{warnings,ir}-volume