Nikolay-Kha / PyCNC

Python CNC machine controller for Raspberry Pi and other ARM Linux boards
MIT License
594 stars 189 forks source link

hello nikolay #34

Open mosabalrojpany opened 5 years ago

mosabalrojpany commented 5 years ago

thanks for this project and i have make final college project name project voice writing machine i hope this project work with me . i'm using rpi1 B+ and i instal py cnc when i command cd pycnc/ the terminal come me pi@raspberrypi:~ $ cd pycnc/ bash: cd: pycnc/: No such file or directory pi@raspberrypi:~ $ and i don't now what this problem exactly i hope help me thankx.

Nikolay-Kha commented 5 years ago

how did you install pycnc? using 'pip' or just 'git clone'?

mosabalrojpany commented 5 years ago

i install it by pip sudo pip install pycnc