[x] Try to explain some explanation of how this chapter fits with the research question from chapter 1.
[x] P.35 understanding how collaborative a field is not - rewrite
[x] P.45 to which is going to be assigned in?
[x] P.47 Corresponds to 22% of the papers – exclude the
[x] P.48 You have chosen 5 topics despite it having lower coherence value. Explain this.
[x] Page 52 Moreover there are less good than the topics …. – I do not understand this.
[x] Page 54, Figure 3.13 – explain what is optimal here.
[x] P.54 Price of anarchy is a relatively new field
[x] Table 3.11 betweenness = 0 for E? – Explain (presumably values are very small). Given the low values is there any significant difference between the names in the tables?