NikulovE /

Compact language detector v3 by Google for .Net
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Cannot compile CLD3.NET project #1

Closed markusmobius closed 6 months ago

markusmobius commented 3 years ago

I can compile the CLD3 project fine but I have trouble with the wrapper project. I keep getting this error:

Error LNK2001 unresolved external symbol "private: static struct chrome_lang_id::ComponentRegistry<class chrome_lang_id::FeatureFunction __cdecl(void)> chrome_lang_id::RegisterableClass<class chrome_lang_id::FeatureFunction >::registry" (?registry@?$RegisterableClass@V?$FeatureFunction@VSentence@chrome_lang_id@@$$V@chrome_lang_id@@@chrome_lang_id@@0PAU?$ComponentRegistry@$$A6APAV?$FeatureFunction@VSentence@chrome_lang_id@@$$V@chrome_lang_id@@XZ@2@A) CLD3.Net 1 C:\Users\mobius\source\repos\\CLD3.Net\CLD3.lib(nnet_language_identifier.obj)

NikulovE commented 3 years ago

I can share with you dll if require. Project based on Google's Cld3 and I can't help you with this error. I was difficult to compile for me too

markusmobius commented 3 years ago

That would be great! However, I am using NetCore (well net5.0 now) - and need to call the project from there. I updated the project as described here: That worked fine in the sense that I got exactly the same error as for the .NET 4.8 version. But if you .NET 4.8 compiles then maybe it would also compile with those changes.

NikulovE commented 3 years ago

Uploaded .dll check git please. x64 version

NikulovE commented 3 years ago

Have you tried to fix include paths?

markusmobius commented 3 years ago

Yes - and that made it possible to compile the C++ CLD3 project but I got this error when compiling the CLD3.NET project. So this doesn't seem sufficient.

However, your DLL works. It even works when calling it from a net 5.0 project. However, it would be nice to compile the CLD3.NET project directly to net5.0 because I need to now install 4.8 runtime on the server. I saw that you updated the project from 4.6 to 4.8 a few months ago - if you could update it to 5.0 and compile it would be great:

But even the 4.8 version is much appreciated.

NikulovE commented 3 years ago

Errors because: Between 4.8 and 5.0 years :) I will try

markusmobius commented 3 years ago

Those compiler warnings for the CLD3 project were easy to fix:

1) On line 36 of getonescriptspan.h just name the struct (like this for example): typedef struct placeholder { char* text = nullptr; // Pointer to the span, somewhere

2) I switched error reporting to "Build Only" (not "Build + Intellisense").

Then the first project compiled for me.

NikulovE commented 3 years ago

It fixing only compilation issues, but generate issues at Linking for CLD.Net project

markusmobius commented 3 years ago

Ah! That makes sense - I guess that's why my project did not compile.

markusmobius commented 3 years ago

I switched temporarily to VS 16.5 and the cld3 project compiles fine without any changes.

However, i still get exactly the same error when compiling I made no changes to the project file except adjust the paths (replaced th NikulovE part with my username). But same error. So I think I am missing some references in the project. Is ther anything else I have to do when compiling on different machine?

markusmobius commented 3 years ago

I forked your project and hired someone to make it compile under .NET 5.0.

In the process the need to for the file was removed and the include directories are relative rather than absolute so it compiles on a new machine without having to make adjustments. Maybe these changes are useful to you.

NikulovE commented 3 years ago

Thank you! I will check

NikulovE commented 6 months ago

Now repo is able to compile under .net core