NilCoalescing / djangochannelsrestframework

A Rest-framework for websockets using Django channels-v4
MIT License
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[BUG] #151

Open vigneshwrn9 opened 2 years ago

vigneshwrn9 commented 2 years ago

Describe the bug A clear and concise description of what the bug is. observer_model_instance doestn seem to work at all for me, Not suer if I ma doing something wrong. But I am following the Steps in the documentation. I am using Django 4.0.6 djangochannelsrestframework 1.1.0 djangorestframework 3.13.1 channels 3.0.5

When I pass "retrieve" within the actions, I dont get a "List" in return, I still get "retrieve" and the channel disconnects.

if I do pass the "subscribe_instance" and then make changes to the object via the shell, i dont seem to get any response back on the channel

To Reproduce Steps to reproduce the behavior:

  1. .. Follow the steps in here
  2. ..

Expected behavior It is supposed to work as per the documentation. but it keeps failing

LOG If applicable, add log to help explain your problem.

Additional context Add any other context about the problem here.

hishnash commented 11 months ago

Hi Sorry for the slow response on this.

@vigneshwrn9 did you manage to get this working?