NillionNetwork / builder-bounties

Builder Bounties reward developers for building on Nillion
6 stars 1 forks source link

Launch a Blind AI App on the Nillion Testnet #6

Open oceans404 opened 1 month ago

oceans404 commented 1 month ago

Bounty Objective

The Nillion community wants to see more Blind AI Apps. Create and launch a Blind AI application on the Nillion Testnet and provide a live link so anyone can try it. Your Blind AI App should use at least 1 Nada program with the Nada AI library to provide predictions while ensuring data privacy.

Bounty Requirements

Create a new Bind AI App using the following workflow:

  1. Pick an Interesting Data Set:

    Choose a dataset that is suitable for your AI project. The dataset should be relevant and provide meaningful insights.

  2. Train a Plaintext Model:

    Use your preferred AI tools to train a model on the chosen dataset. Check out examples and Google Colab links in nada-ai examples. Here are the available models:

    • Multilayer Perceptron: Available layers include Linear, Conv2d, AvgPooling2d, DotProductSimilarity, ReLU, Flatten
    • Linear Regression Model: Linear model
    • Logistic Regression Model: Linear model implementation with cleartext sigmoid and potential multiclass classification
    • Prophet: Time series forecasting model
  3. Write at Least One Nada Program that utilizes the nada-ai library

    Ensure that your program integrates the trained model and is capable of making predictions.

  4. Store your AI Program on the Nillion Testnet

  5. Build a Blind App:

    Build a blind app that uses the compiled Nada program to obtain live, privacy-preserving predictions from your model.

    Ensure the app securely computes predictions without revealing sensitive data.

  6. Host this web app demo and provide a live link so we can try it

How to Submit

Review the Terms and Conditions for Nillion Builder Bounties here.

Open source your repo and submit your bounty by creating a new discussion in Nillion’s “Show and Tell” Github Discussions Forum. For project type, choose “Builder Bounty Submission”

pbkompasz commented 3 weeks ago

@oceans404 Hi, this is my submission.

thu142857 commented 6 days ago

Hi @oceans404 , please check my submission

tonytrandevv commented 6 days ago

HI @oceans404 , i have few small steps to submit. Do I am allowed to do that ?