As a user, I want to drag and drop each list-item within the list.
In order to arrange my list as i want to. For example to sort according to importance.
Acceptance Criteria
[ ] Each list item should be draggable
[ ] Drag will be performed by click-hold-release action
[ ] Each Item should be droppable
[ ] Drop actions can only be performed within the list and items cannot be dropped outside of the list.
[ ] OnDrop each item should rearrange, starting from the top of the list
[ ] The dropzone should be visually highlighted.
[ ] Create new branch "feature-dnd-vertical"
[ ] Install react-dnd
[ ] Setting up the Drag and Drop Context(DndProvider)
[ ] Define Drag-Types
[ ] Make the list-items draggable
[ ] Make the list droppable
[ ] Add a drag preview visualization (canDrop method )
Value Proposition
As a user, I want to drag and drop each list-item within the list. In order to arrange my list as i want to. For example to sort according to importance.
Acceptance Criteria