NilsJPWerner / autoDocstring

VSCode extension that generates docstrings for python files
MIT License
668 stars 162 forks source link

Very strange when I tapped """ #129

Closed neuromaancer closed 4 years ago

neuromaancer commented 4 years ago

when I tapped """ for generating autodocstring I got this:


NilsJPWerner commented 4 years ago

Can you post your settings and the code you were trying to generate a docstring for? Does it work when you use the command instead of the completion item?

neuromaancer commented 4 years ago
"autoDocstring.docstringFormat": "google",
  "autoDocstring.startOnNewLine": true,
  "autoDocstring.includeName": true,

actually this is my setting for autoDocString, and that happens for python code (for the different code), I tested command is good, but I think """ is more convenient ?

NilsJPWerner commented 4 years ago

So when you use the command the backslashes do not appear? Can you post all of your settings? I am curious if there is a setting for snippets that is messing this up.

neuromaancer commented 4 years ago

So when you use the command the backslashes do not appear?


Can you post all of your settings? I am curious if there is a setting for snippets that is messing this up.

This is it (a little bit long) :

    "editor.fontSize": 13,
    "python.pythonPath": "/usr/local/Caskroom/miniconda/base/bin/python",
    "workbench.startupEditor": "newUntitledFile",
    "sync.gist": "xxxxxx",
    "code-runner.runInTerminal": true,
    "python.linting.pylintEnabled": true,
    "python.dataScience.sendSelectionToInteractiveWindow": true,
    "debug.console.fontSize": 13,
    "terminal.integrated.fontSize": 13,
    "explorer.confirmDelete": false,
    "window.zoomLevel": 1,
    "markdown.preview.fontSize": 13,
    "editor.lineHeight": 25,
    "workbench.colorCustomizations": {},
    "editor.suggestSelection": "first",
    "python.formatting.provider": "black",
    "editor.occurrencesHighlight": false,
    "[json]": {
        "editor.defaultFormatter": "vscode.json-language-features"
    "explorer.confirmDragAndDrop": false,
    "python.jediEnabled": false,
    "terminal.integrated.fontFamily": "Hack Nerd Font",
    "window.restoreWindows": "none",
    "python.autoComplete.addBrackets": true,
    "sync.autoDownload": false,
    "sync.autoUpload": false,
    "sync.quietSync": false,
    "git.enableSmartCommit": true,
    "git.autofetch": true,
    "editor.find.autoFindInSelection": "always",
    "psi-header.templates": [
            "language": "*",
            "template": [
                "File: <<filepath>>",
                "Project: <<projectpath>>",
                "Created Date: <<filecreated('dddd MMMM Do YYYY')>>",
                "Author: xxxx",
                "Last Modified: <<filecreated('dddd MMMM Do YYYY hh:mm:ss a')>>",
                "Modified By: the developer formerly known as xxxx at",
            "changeLogCaption": "HISTORY:",
            "changeLogHeaderLineCount": 2,
            "changeLogEntryTemplate": [
                "<<dateformat(DD-MM-YYYY hh:mm:ss)>>\t\t\tAlafate\t\t\t"
    "files.autoSave": "afterDelay",
    "files.autoSaveDelay": 11,
    "python.analysis.disabled": [
    // Set Border Color
    "sync.forceUpload": true,
    "leetcode.hint.configWebviewMarkdown": false,
    "python.linting.enabled": false,
    "gitlens.advanced.messages": {
        "suppressCommitHasNoPreviousCommitWarning": true
    "leetcode.defaultLanguage": "python3",
    "leetcode.endpoint": "leetcode",
    "leetcode.hint.commandShortcut": false,
    "leetcode.workspaceFolder": "xxx/leetcode-record",
    "leetcode.hint.commentDescription": false,
    "terminal.integrated.inheritEnv": false,
    "python.dataScience.askForKernelRestart": false,
    "terminal.integrated.rendererType": "dom",
    "terminal.integrated.fontWeightBold": "normal",
    "editor.largeFileOptimizations": false,
    "files.exclude": {
        "**/__pycache__": true,
        "**/.classpath": true,
        "**/.factorypath": true,
        "**/.project": true,
        "**/.pytest_cache": true,
        "**/.settings": true
    "oneDarkPro.editorTheme": "Onedark Pro",
    "oneDarkPro.vivid": true,
    "editor.fontFamily": "Hack,'Source Code Pro',Menlo, Monaco, 'Courier New', monospace",
    "oneDarkPro.bold": true,
    "": "/Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines/jdk1.8.0_181.jdk/Contents/Home/bin/java",
    "plantuml.exportFormat": "svg",
    "plantuml.exportOutDir": ".",
    "[markdown]": {
        "editor.defaultFormatter": "yzhang.markdown-all-in-one"
    "vsicons.dontShowNewVersionMessage": true,
    "": false,
    "files.associations": {
        "*.rmd": "markdown"
    "todo-tree.tree.showScanModeButton": false,
    "latex-workshop.view.pdf.viewer": "tab",
    "": [
            "name": "pdflatex -> bibtex -> pdflatex*2",
            "tools": [
            "name": "xelatex -> bibtex -> xelatex*2",
            "tools": [
    "": [
            "name": "xelatex",
            "command": "xelatex",
            "args": [
            "name": "latexmk",
            "command": "latexmk",
            "args": [
            "name": "pdflatex",
            "command": "pdflatex",
            "args": [
            "name": "bibtex",
            "command": "bibtex",
            "args": [
    "workbench.iconTheme": "vscode-icons",
    "editor.formatOnSave": true,
    "editor.wordWrap": "on",
    "": "never",
    "": "onBuilt",
    "editor.formatOnType": true,
    "workbench.preferredDarkColorTheme": "One Dark Pro",
    "workbench.colorTheme": "Noctis Azureus",
    "leetcode.editor.shortcuts": [
    "autoDocstring.docstringFormat": "google",
    "autoDocstring.startOnNewLine": true,
    "autoDocstring.includeName": true,
    "[html]": {
        "editor.defaultFormatter": "HookyQR.beautify"

I don't think it is my setting causing the problem, because before it worked well (I haven't changed my settings since decades lol)

neuromaancer commented 4 years ago

sorry, is there any updates?

NilsJPWerner commented 4 years ago

Solved in: