Current hpdi.m didn't handle multi-dimensional matrixes. It is an easy fix, so I fixed it. You can add it into the code if you like. I'm not sure how these things are done.
function hpdi = hpdi(x, p)
% HPDI - Estimates the Bayesian HPD intervals
% Y = HPDI(X,P) returns a Highest Posterior Density (HPD) interval
% for each column of X. P must be a scalar. Y is a 2 row matrix
% where ith column is HPDI for ith column of X.
% References:
% [1] Chen, M.-H., Shao, Q.-M., and Ibrahim, J. Q., (2000).
% Monte Carlo Methods in Bayesian Computation. Springer-Verlag.
% Copyright (C) 2001 Aki Vehtari
% This software is distributed under the GNU General Public
% Licence (version 2 or later); please refer to the file
% Licence.txt, included with the software, for details.
if nargin < 2
error('Not enough arguments')
if isvector(x)
x = x(:);
oldShape = size(x);
newShape = [oldShape(1) prod(oldShape(2:end))];
x = reshape(x, newShape);
if m==1
hpdi=[pt1(hpdpi); pt2(hpdpi)];
hpdi=[pt1(hpdpi); pt2(hpdpi)];
hpdi = reshape(hpdi, [2 oldShape(2:end)]);
Current hpdi.m didn't handle multi-dimensional matrixes. It is an easy fix, so I fixed it. You can add it into the code if you like. I'm not sure how these things are done.
function hpdi = hpdi(x, p) % HPDI - Estimates the Bayesian HPD intervals % % Y = HPDI(X,P) returns a Highest Posterior Density (HPD) interval % for each column of X. P must be a scalar. Y is a 2 row matrix % where ith column is HPDI for ith column of X.
% References: % [1] Chen, M.-H., Shao, Q.-M., and Ibrahim, J. Q., (2000). % Monte Carlo Methods in Bayesian Computation. Springer-Verlag.
% Copyright (C) 2001 Aki Vehtari % % This software is distributed under the GNU General Public % Licence (version 2 or later); please refer to the file % Licence.txt, included with the software, for details.
if nargin < 2 error('Not enough arguments') end
if isvector(x) x = x(:); else oldShape = size(x); newShape = [oldShape(1) prod(oldShape(2:end))]; x = reshape(x, newShape); end
m=size(x,2); pts=linspace(0.1,99.9-p,20); pt1=prctile(x,pts); pt2=prctile(x,p+pts); cis=abs(pt2-pt1); [~,hpdpi]=min(cis); if m==1 hpdi=[pt1(hpdpi); pt2(hpdpi)]; else hpdpi=sub2ind(size(pt1),hpdpi,1:m); hpdi=[pt1(hpdpi); pt2(hpdpi)]; hpdi = reshape(hpdi, [2 oldShape(2:end)]); end