NimmLor / esp8266-fastled-iot-webserver

A universal software for all my LED projects, with many awesome features
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Wemos D1 keeps restarting #68

Closed Roycinger closed 3 years ago

Roycinger commented 4 years ago

Hello, I successfully managed to get 1 leaf running. Apart from a few quirks (Wemos did not connect to Wifi everytime it booted up) it was running fine and I was able to adjust patterns and colors. On one point, the Wemos decided to not work anymore. Looking at the serial monitor, I saw that it is constantly rebooting. So I tried another Wemos, unfortunately with the same result (keeps rebooting). I tried another simple sketch (blink) to verify the Wemos(es) aren't broken, this works fine without reboots. So I thought I messed something up in the code and discarded all changes, downloaded the github archive again. Only things I adjusted are the secrets.h and the number of leafs.

How can I debug further? Thanks for assistance!

edit: clearing the EEPROM of the Wemos seemed to have helped for now

axiscpi commented 4 years ago

Hello, It seems I have the same problem, after a few minutes using the web app, the wemos restarts indefinitely. The only way to bring back working, is to reinstall the arduino sketch with option "Erase Flash = All flash content" + reinstall SPIFFS contents.

Thanks for your help

axiscpi commented 4 years ago

Hello, Update concerning my problem : The Wemos keeps restarting when "Rainbow Dots" pattern is activated.

@paul-arnold : do you have the same analysis ?

I've commented the line in order to deactivate this pattern : { randomDots, "Rainbow Dots" },

For information, here is my configuration :

/*########################` MAIN CONFIG ########################*/
#define LED_TYPE            WS2812B                     // You might also use a WS2811 or any other strip that is Fastled compatible 
#define DATA_PIN            D4                          // Be aware: the pin mapping might be different on boards like the NodeMCU
//#define CLK_PIN             D5                        // Only required when using 4-pin SPI-based LEDs
#define CORRECTION          UncorrectedColor            // If colors are weird use TypicalLEDStrip
#define COLOR_ORDER         GRB                         // Change this if colors are swapped (in my case, red was swapped with green)
#define MILLI_AMPS          5000                       // IMPORTANT: set the max milli-Amps of your power supply (4A = 4000mA)
#define VOLTS               5                           // Voltage of the Power Supply

#define REMOVE_VISUALIZATION          // remove the comment to completly disable all udp-based visualization patterns

#define HOSTNAME "LEDs"                 // Name that appears in your network, don't use whitespaces, use "-" instead

#define DEVICE_TYPE 4                   // The following types are available
    0: Generic LED-Strip: a regular LED-Strip without any special arrangement (and Infinity Mirror + Bottle Lighting Pad)
          Easiest: 5V WS2812B LED-Strip:  
          (Long Ranges) 12V WS2811 LED-Strip:
          (High-Speed) 5V SK9822 LED-Strip:
          (Expensive) 5V APA102 LED-Strip:
          (Flexible) 5V WS2812 S LED-Strip:
          Wemos D1 Mini:                  
          5V Power Supply:                
          Solderless LED-Connector:       
          3D-Printed Wemos-D1 case:       
    1: LED-Matrix: With a flexible LED-Matrix you can display the audio like a Audio Visualizer
          Flexible WS2812 Matrix:         
          Wemos D1 Mini:                  
          5V Power Supply:                
    2: 3D-Printed 7-Segment Clock, display the time in a cool 7-segment style, syncs with a ntp of your choice
          unfortunatly the "thing's" description isn't updated yet to the new standalone system
          Project link, small version:    
          Project link, large version:    
    3: 3D-Printed Desk Lamp, a Lamp that reacts to sound for your desk
          Project link, twisted version:  
          Project link, round version:    
    4: 3D-Printed Nanoleafs, a Nanoleaf clone that can be made for cheap
          Project link:                   
    5: 3D-Printed Animated RGB Logos
          Project link, Twenty-One-Pilots:
          Project link, Thingiverse:      

// Device Configuration:
#if DEVICE_TYPE == 0                // Generic LED-Strip
#define NUM_LEDS 24
//#define NUM_LEDS 33
//#define NUM_LEDS 183
#define BAND_GROUPING    1            // Groups part of the band to save performance and network traffic
#elif DEVICE_TYPE == 1              // LED MATRIX
#define LENGTH 32
#define HEIGHT 8
//#define AddLogoVisualizers          // (only 32x8) Adds Visualization patterns with logo (currently only HBz)
#elif DEVICE_TYPE == 2              // 7-Segment Clock
#define NTP_REFRESH_INTERVAL_SECONDS 600            // 10 minutes
const char* ntpServerName = "";      // Austrian ntp-timeserver
int t_offset = 0;                                   // offset added to the time from the ntp server
const int NTP_PACKET_SIZE = 48;
#define NUM_LEDS 30
#define Digit1 0
#define Digit2 7
#define Digit3 16
#define Digit4 23
// Values for the Big Clock: 58, 0, 14, 30, 44

#elif DEVICE_TYPE == 3              // Desk Lamp
#define LINE_COUNT    8             // Amount of led strip pieces
#define LEDS_PER_LINE 10            // Amount of led pixel per single led strip piece

#elif DEVICE_TYPE == 4              // Nanoleafs
#define LEAFCOUNT 2                // Amount of triangles
#define PIXELS_PER_LEAF 6          // Amount of LEDs inside 1x Tringle

#elif DEVICE_TYPE == 5              // Animated Logos
// Choose your logo below, remove the comment in front of your design
// Important: see "LOGO CONFIG" below



// Feature Configuration: Enabled by removing the "//" in front of the define statements
//#define ACCESS_POINT_MODE                 // the esp8266 will create a wifi-access point instead of connecting to one, credentials must be in Secrets.h

#define ENABLE_OTA_SUPPORT                // requires ArduinoOTA - library, not working on esp's with 1MB memory (esp-01, Wemos D1 lite ...)
//#define OTA_PASSWORD "passwd123"      //  password that is required to update the esp's firmware wireless

#define ENABLE_MULTICAST_DNS              // allows to access the UI via "http://<HOSTNAME>.local/", implemented by GitHub/WarDrake

#define RANDOM_AUTOPLAY_PATTERN             // if enabled the next pattern for autoplay is choosen at random
#define AUTOPLAY_IGNORE_UDP_PATTERNS        // remove visualization patterns from autoplay

//#define ENABLE_ALEXA_SUPPORT              // Espalexa library required

//#define SOUND_SENSOR_SUPPORT              // allows to control the leds using a physical sound-sensor, configuration below

//#define ENABLE_SERIAL_AMBILIGHT           // allows to function as an ambilight behind a monitor by using data from usb-serial (integration of adalight)

//#define ENABLE_MQTT_SUPPORT               // allows integration in homeassistant/googlehome/mqtt,
// mqtt server required, see MQTT Configuration for more, implemented by GitHub/WarDrake

RosalieWessels commented 3 years ago


I have the exact same problem with an Esp8266. I also noticed that the problem started when the rainbow dots pattern was used. Erasing all flash removing the rainbow dots pattern like @axiscpi mentioned seemed to have solved the problem (for now).

Roycinger commented 3 years ago

Yep, I tried that too. Seems to be an issue with the rainbow pattern.

bb-Ricardo commented 3 years ago


can you check out the current "in-development" branch and switch LED_DEBUG to 1? Please let us know if the issue still persists.

Thank you.

bb-Ricardo commented 3 years ago

Tested the setting and had no issues with current 'in-development' branch.

Closing this issue due to no response. If you still having troubles consider opening a new issue.