Open NimonSour opened 1 month ago
Hi again @guydols!
I'm working on Generics and Traits within the Model at the moment.
At the time you stared the crate I was experimenting with few cases when it's
possible to return the actor safely, so I thought to write a little example
to share with you, as it is directly concerning the matter we've discussed ( self
receivers in function signatures ),
but while writting the example I've relised such an Actor Model may be really useful.
If generated methods for ActorLive are blocking (returning the type) the Model is
obsolete a much slower and double expensive RwLock'ed object.. but if the methods will
return oneshot::Receivers ( as with oplion interact
) than
that's a different story..
All that has to be done is to make sure that the model is not Clone if
or mut self
detected in method receivers.
Oneshot::Receiver has methods:
receiving blocking try_recv
ed in async runtimeSo a very short calling time, every party will recv()
on its own..
So far so good.
But it kind of like ~brakes what I was working on earlier, here are some versions that I've been experimenting with ( as it adds up so quick so much would be nice to share it just to make sure I'm not going into wrong dirrection ):
fn bla(self) -> Option<Self>
and the ActorLive instance is gone ! fn bla(self) -> (Self,mpsc::Receiver)
so we could
spawn a different play ActorScript::play::<2> (Self,mpsc::Receiver)
fn bla(self) -> (Self,mpsc::Receiver,mpsc::Sender)
2) take its Sender
, add to the privious output and returnIt does look like it pollutes the code logic in original Actor, but wait untill one gets into scaling, worst enemy for clear logic and clean code.
The signatures don't have to match 100% they could have additional arguments and return types, as long as they include required types and the model can access them (in last two cases).
So to recap, my early guess is that the the macro should be able to watch
for at least these three cases in case of self
and generate a normal Model, otherwise generate a non-clone version.
All I've stated above it's just a raw idea public speaking, anyone who spoted some logic loop holes PLEASE express them, it may save tones of dev time !
We will regenerate for ActorLive all public self
-consuming Actor methods, but will recosider their visibility.
ActorLive can be allowed to consume the Actor (and itself) if it is the owner of the Actor. We will decide on its ownership at runtime, on the condition that there is no other potential owner (no other owner
or no other
Two conditions for generating a public self
-consuming method for ActorLive:
1) If the model is debut, we can use Arc::strongcount to count the references and decide ownership at runtime.
2) If the method's return type is `Option<>or
Result<_>(I will mention some of
Result's limitations below), we can inject a
no other owner` check.
Otherwise, we'll change the method's visibility to private.
The model will generate an additional private method, fn inter_play_stop(self) -> (Actor, Receiver, Sender)
or return (Actor, Receiver, Sender, debut)
(if debut
), with a corresponding ActorScript::InterPlayStop variant that is matched in play
, returning (Actor, Receiver)
. Additionally, (not implemented in this example) there could be an equality check for debut (SystemTime
), panicking if false.
// cargo add oneshot
use std::sync::{mpsc,Arc,Mutex};
use std::time::{Duration,SystemTime};
use std::thread::{spawn,sleep};
pub struct Actor {
pub value: i8,
impl Actor {
pub fn new(v: i8) -> Self {
Self { value: v }
pub fn increment(&mut self) {
self.value += 1;
pub fn public<T:ToString>(self, arg: T ) -> Option<String>
{ Some(arg.to_string()) }
pub fn private<T:ToString>(self, arg: T ) -> String
{ arg.to_string() }
pub enum ActorScript {
Increment {},
// we add a special variant
InterPlayStop { inter_send: oneshot::Sender<(Actor,mpsc::Receiver<ActorScript>)> }
impl ActorScript {
pub fn debut() -> Arc<SystemTime> {
static LAST: Mutex<SystemTime> = Mutex::new(
let mut last_time = LAST.lock().unwrap();
let mut next_time = SystemTime::now();
while !(*last_time < next_time) {
if *last_time == next_time {
next_time += Duration::new(0, 1);
} else {
next_time = SystemTime::now();
*last_time = next_time.clone();
pub fn direct(self, actor: &mut Actor) {
match self {
ActorScript::Increment {} => {
_ => (),
pub fn play(
receiver: mpsc::Receiver<ActorScript>,
mut actor: Actor,
debut: SystemTime,
while let std::result::Result::Ok(msg) = receiver.recv() {
if let ActorScript::InterPlayStop { inter_send} = msg {
let _ = inter_send.send((actor,receiver));
} else { actor);
pub struct ActorLive {
sender: mpsc::Sender<ActorScript>,
pub debut: Arc<SystemTime>,
pub name: String,
impl ActorLive {
pub fn new(v: i8) -> Self {
let actor = Actor::new(v);
let (sender, receiver) = mpsc::channel();
let debut = ActorScript::debut();
let debut_for_play = *Arc::clone(&debut);
spawn(move || {
ActorScript::play(receiver, actor, debut_for_play)
Self {
debut: Arc::clone(&debut),
name: format!("{:?}", * debut),
pub fn increment(&mut self) {
let msg = ActorScript::Increment {};
let _ = self
.expect("'ActorLive::method.send'. Channel is closed!");
fn inter_play_stop(self) -> ( Actor,
Arc<SystemTime> )
let (inter_send, inter_recv) = oneshot::channel();
let msg = ActorScript::InterPlayStop{ inter_send };
let _ = self.sender.send(msg);
let (actor,receiver) = inter_recv.recv().unwrap();
let sender = self.sender;
let debut = self.debut;
pub fn public<T:ToString>(self, arg: T ) -> Option<String> {
if Arc::strong_count(&self.debut) <= 1 {
let ( actor,_,_,_) = self.inter_play_stop();
return actor.public(arg);
fn private<T:ToString>(self, arg: T ) -> String {
let ( actor,_,_,_) = self.inter_play_stop();
return actor.private(arg);
fn main() {
let act = ActorLive::new(0);
let act_cl = act.clone();
assert_eq!(None, act.public(""));
assert_eq!(Some("Success".to_string()), act_cl.public("Success"));
So the methods will be served on the ActorLive end, which is beneficial for the Model:
-consuming method.Objections:
field should be private.inter_get_debut
(not included in the example) should change its return type from Arc<SystemTime>
to SystemTime
(No Othe Owner
compatible) method's return type is Result<_>
, since we can't determine the type of the Result::Err
variant, it will be limited to std::result::Result<_, String OR &'static str>
.This is not going to happen any time soon, but I'm glad there's some sort of raw resolution on it so I'll make room for it in current dev also I'll
possible open two additional parallel issues concerning traits
and generic types
all three resulting in a new release🤞.
Hey @NimonSour,
No problem, I should've starred this repo a year ago. I've been on a trend of using OS threads instead of async runtimes. This create is my go to for the infrastructure between threads.
As for your example from the first post, I still feel under qualified, but I get the gist. I had to think about scenarios where this could be behavior that is wanted. But there are definitely some designs that can benefit from this. I can think of some kind of workers where after they're done can be consumed in this way.
I'm glad that my error last year contributed more than just explanation work for you ;). As for help to think about the logic you've laid out, I see no holes in your theory. Maybe you could share this topic on a few places, that could attract some people more understand of the inner workings of your crate. Either way, to me, it looks like you are on the right track.
As an additional effect, this give programmers using self
-consuming method a more common use-after-free error if they unintentionally did not reference self
. This would lead to a situation where cargo or rust-analyser gives a clear explanation and a programmer would come to a resolution more quickly.
Anyway, looks like a lot of hard work, I wish I could've been more help to you!
Hi @guydols ! Thanks for recently starring this crate!
Just wanted to share this example and I open this issue (consider yours) as a continuation of our earlier conversation this year.
Here is a little example that I made for the model, under certain conditions ( actor option debut is on ) it is safe to take ownership of the actor.
there could be a resolution with 'self' receivers (as function signature not channel) ..
Conditions: 1) the model is not Clone ( one Live instance only ) 2) the Live methods return oneshot::Receivers ...
It may happen!
anyway, just have a look at the example when it's possible, what you think ?