should provide simple binary sensor to display if the next day is a day-off or not.
input: [device] calendar
exposes: [binary-sensor]
helper integration perhaps?
calculate delta to next event for all given calendars and add to list
delta to end of next day if now.h < 23h59 else (max: 36h)
delta to end of current day (min: 14, max: 23:59)
< sleeping between 12h pm current day and 12h pm next day >
needs to know if slept already or not?
otherwise fixed threshhold`?
true if delta < threshhold for delta in list else false
(now() + 8h).day == next day
config entry:
domain: calendar
get day of next event for all entries in list
next day = ( now() + 8h ).day
if next_day in list return false else true
ok. so after taking to myself in my head for some time I now come to a conclusion
on the question this should be implemented as appdaemon app or integration.
the answer is integration.
wider accessibility
now for a name ...
I'm actually using github to have monologues with myself.
somehow strange
I wonder if I can privately publish issues xDDD
should provide simple binary sensor to display if the next day is a
or not. input: [device] calendar exposes: [binary-sensor]calculate delta to next event for all given calendars and add to list delta to end of next day if now.h < 23h59 else (max: 36h) delta to end of current day (min: 14, max: 23:59) < sleeping between 12h pm current day and 12h pm next day >
(now() + 8h).day == next day config entry: