Ninja-Squad / DbSetup

An API for populating a database in unit tests
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Setting foreign keys from autogenerated primary keys #40

Closed favetelinguis closed 9 years ago

favetelinguis commented 9 years ago

Im working with an Oracle database that uses sequences for primary keys, there are triggers on these primary keys that does not allow me to enter them manually. What I would like do do in DBSetup is to retrive the autogenerated primary key and use it in a different table as a foreign key. From the examples given on your hompage would it be possible with DBsetup to do the following?

Operation insertVendorsAndProducts = 
            .columns("ID", "CODE", "NAME")
            .values(This is autogenerated, "AMA", "AMAZON")
            .columns("ID", "NAME", "VENDOR_ID")
            .values(1L, "Kindle", "1L")
        sql("update PRODUCT set FEATURED_PRODUCT_ID = with autogenerated value from VENDOR where Vendor ID = 1"));

Currently we are running SQL like this to populate the database.

declare id number; begin insert into f (b) VALUES ('J') returning account__id into id; insert into b (fid) VALUES (id); end;

favetelinguis commented 9 years ago

Been trying to solve it with the following code but without any results.

Operation operation = sequenceOf( . . . sql("update A set fid = (select id from B where c = 'ccc') where c = 'ddd'")

Also is it possible to use DBSetup in a spring transaction. Im currently extending AbstractTransactionalJUnit4SpringContextTests but DBUnit does commit its changes not allowing me to roll back the changes.

jnizet commented 9 years ago

Regarding the first issue, DbSetup doesn't have any support for getting or referencing auto-generated keys. I think it's a bad idea to use auto-generated keys in a test, because a test should be the one deciding what the test data is. And PKs are the best way to uniquely identify rows in your assertions:

If you don't know the IDs, doing the last part is much harder: you need to find some other column identifying the rows. I wouldn't use triggers to auto-generate the keys. Instead, I would ask the next key to the sequence, and then insert the rows with the known key. Which would allow you, in the test, to simply insert hard-coded IDs and use them in all the foreign keys.

I realize that you probably can't change that easily, but adding support for generated keys in DbSetup wouldn't be a trivial task either, and I'm not sure it's worth it.

Regarding using a Spring transaction, no, it's not supported either. I find this strategy suboptimal, because every time a test fails and you want to look what is in the database, you can't: everything has been rollbacked. Moreover, that forces every test to insert the same data again and again, which can be avoided by using a DbSetupTracker.

favetelinguis commented 9 years ago

Ok thanks for the answeres. Using DbSetup has given me alot of knowledge about good DB design. I dont think you should add suport for "badly designed databases" it is better that teams realize the better ways of doing things when they start to trying to test stuff.