NinjasCL-labs / wren-rosetta

A collection of Rosetta code made by PureFox and friends
6 stars 1 forks source link

Talk #1

Open clsource opened 3 years ago

clsource commented 3 years ago

Hello, @PureFox48 I have made this repository to archive the Rosetta Wren code.

Please, would you kindly provide a zip file (attached here) with all the modules and code available so far?. If that's not possible it's ok and I will extract the data directly from Rosseta's page.

I would greatly appreciate it if you could update this issue whenever is possible to update the files.

Thank you very much for your kindness and awesome labor at creating Wren examples and code.

PureFox48 commented 3 years ago

That's brilliant! Many thanks for creating this repo.

I've made changes to 6 modules in recent days, namely:

Wren-big Wren-complex Wren-fmt Wren-matrix Wren-math Wren-set

The changes include the addition of complex matrices, formatting support for complex numbers and a bag class.

I wonder if I could ask you to update these six modules directly from the RC source code.

The existing modules are now feature complete and I've no plans to change any of them again unless bugs surface. So hopefully these will be the last changes for a while apart, of course, from adding new modules to the collection.

Thanks again for your efforts here.

clsource commented 3 years ago

Ok updated the 777 files so far 👍

PureFox48 commented 3 years ago

Wow, I hadn't realized that you intended to upload the code for all the RC tasks to the repo as well as the library modules!

That's great but it does give us some problems:

  1. One of the modules (set.wren) has the same name as a task. That has resulted in the latter over-writing the former.

    There's also another task, UPC (to do with bar codes) which I haven't tackled yet but will have the same name as the module upc.wren which is concerned with splitting strings up into 'user perceived characters'.

    I think the best solution to this is to keep the library modules in a separate sub-directory from the tasks which is how you had it originally.

  2. I haven't in fact written the code for all 777 tasks. There were 16 tasks written by others before I started though I have altered some of them for various reasons and added syntax highlighting to them all.

    The first 3 of these tasks are:

    Hello world/text 99 Bottles of Beer Hello world/Newline omission

    These were written by Edsrzf in 2015 (who created the RC's Wren category in the first place) and updated by 4d47 in 2016. I've had no hand in them at all. Neither of these users have had any involvement with RC since then.

    The next 6 tasks were written entirely by a user called Fusta in 2016:

    Apply a callback to an array Arrays Averages/Arithmetic mean Averages/mode Collections String length

    And finally these 7 tasks were written by Fusta in 2016 but altered by myself in 2020:

    100 doors (both versions) A+B Ackermann function Anonymous recursion Arithmetic/integer Array concatenation Array length

    Fusta has had no involvement in RC since 2017.

    This means, of course, that the code contributed by these 3 users is still subject to the RC license. It seems to me that there are 3 possible solutions to this impasse:

    (a) We exclude these tasks from the repo which would be unfortunate as the list is otherwise complete and there's very little code in any of them.

    (b) We try to contact these users to ask whether they would be prepared to place their contributions under the MIT License. I can leave a message on their user pages, if you like, but I don't know any of these people and we'll be lucky to get a reply given they haven't been involved with RC for some years.

    (c) We leave these tasks under the RC license and give the authors due credit in the headings.

    Perhaps you could let me know which of these options you prefer - personally, I'm tending towards (c).

    The remaining 761 tasks and the 16 library modules have all been written entirely by myself and (AFAIK) have not been altered by anybody else.

  3. In 38 of the tasks I've written I've made use of external libraries, viz:

    DOME for 31 tasks. Wren-json for 2 tasks. WrenGo for 5 tasks.

    All of these are hosted on Github and, luckily, are subject to the MIT license. However, I think you will agree that the relevant tasks should reference them in some way.

Incidentally, I tend to make contributions to RC most days (I'm going to add a couple more tasks after I've posted this) so it's not going to be easy to keep track of task changes but I will make a note of what I do (and anyone else does) from now on and perhaps we can update periodically.

clsource commented 3 years ago

Ok I added the additional contributors and all affected files changed the license to FDL 1.2 I think the tasks that use DOME, json and WrenGo should refer to them inside a comment (since it would be more flexible if other external tools are used). 👍

PureFox48 commented 3 years ago

Sorry that I managed to mess up the list of 7 cases originally authored by Fusta which I later changed though I've corrected it now.

I've been through the affected cases and the following will need correction some time to keep the license position in order:

Apply a callback to an array - wrtten solely by Fusta. String length - both code examples were written solely by Fusta A+B (called abb.wren) - co-authored by Fusta and myself Anonymous recursion - ditto Arithmetic/Integer - ditto

I agree that where external libraries have been used we should just refer to them in a comment. For the WrenGo cases, it might suffice to do nothing further because the Go 'import' statement makes it clear where the code is coming from.

Other than that, I think things should now be as accurate as we can get them.

Incidentally, I've noticed that the script seems to be skipping the odd task. I've only looked at the first few letters but Benford's Law, Bitmap/Bresenham's line algorithm and Catalan numbers/Pascal's triangle are missing. The cases are listed in snippets.log though they don't appear for some reason in snippets.makefile. Perhaps you could check this out.

Many thanks again for your efforts :)

clsource commented 3 years ago

Ok added the proper licenses and missing files (maybe with the ' character the fetcher went nuts xd).

clsource commented 3 years ago

@PureFox48 I have been testing out Wren Go and it seems like a good way of implementing custom functions to the Wren interpreter. Don't know if it would be a good idea creating a custom "Wren CLI" with Wren Go and use it for things outside the limits of Wren CLI.

What do you think?

Example main.go

package main

import (

    wren ""

func main() {
    vm := wren.NewVM()
    vm.SetModule("main", wren.NewModule(wren.ClassMap{
        "MyClass": wren.NewClass(nil, nil, wren.MethodMap{
            "static sayHello()": func(vm *wren.VM, parameters []interface{}) (interface{}, error) {
                println("Hello from MyClass but from Go")
                return nil, nil
    content, err := ioutil.ReadFile("main.wren")
    if err != nil {

    vm.InterpretString("main", string(content))


foreign class MyClass {
    foreign static sayHello()

PureFox48 commented 3 years ago

Thanks for fixing those problems. It' s probably the presence of the apostrophe that was causing those files to be missed as you surmised.

With regard to WrenGo I think it would be feasible to create a custom Wren-CLI with it though it would be a lot of work. The advantage, of course, is that you'd be able to get rid of libuv and use the cross-platform Go standard libraries for file, network, crypto, regex etc. though all these would need to be suitably wrapped so you could use them from Wren.

Although I'm a big admirer of Go there are some drawbacks to using it for this kind of work. Whilst it compiles much faster than C/C++, execution speed is not as good - about on a par with the JVM and .NET languages in my experience. Also the runtime is large as it needs to deal with stuff such as garbage collection and co-routines. Consequently executables are large too.

However, a bigger concern is WrenGo itself which has a number of issues which I've filed on the repo but have yet to receive a reply. The most serious issue is that it only deals with float32 rather than float64 at present. I think this must be an oversight by the author as I can't think of any obvious reason why this should be so.

Anyway the author's commitment to the repo and keeping it up to date has to be in doubt.

Having said that, it was the only one of the 3 (?) Wren/Go binders which was up to date and I could get to work. Although I've only used embedding when absolutely necessary on RC (nobody on there wants to be bothered to compile a host program as well as the Wren code!), it's worked fine when I've used it though I think I used C instead on the last one I did.

On balance, I think it's better to wait and see what Wren-CLI 0.4.0 has to offer (and intends to offer in future) before embarking on a project such as this.

clsource commented 3 years ago

Thanks. Yes for this use case is best to rely on WrenCLI and Vanilla Wren Go.

PureFox48 commented 3 years ago

I'm pleased to say that my reservations about WrenGo were premature as the author has now responded to the issues and fixed a couple of things including the float64 bug. Better still, the whole repo has been updated to Wren 0.4.0- Pre so I'm happy now that it's a viable vehicle for embedding Wren in a Go application. Will be using it more on RC in future :)

clsource commented 3 years ago

@PureFox48 it seems tau value is wrong

it should be 2 times PI

    static tau  { 1.6180339887498948482  } // synonym for phi
PureFox48 commented 3 years ago

It's not actually wrong. It's just a different usage of the tau symbol to mean the golden ratio rather than 2 * pi. However, phi is used more often these days for the former and now we have Num.tau in the standard library as well, I'm going to remove Math.tau from math.wren to avoid any confusion.

I'll need to check the various modules to see if there is anything else we can remove because it's now been implemented in Wren 0.4.0.

I've added a lot of stuff to RC since we last spoke about this and we're now up to 1,104 tasks completed. Three more modules have been added - dynamic, ioutil and long - and I've fixed minor bugs and added new features to some of the existing ones as well.

When Wren-cli 0.4.0 is eventually released (I upgraded to the latest build earlier today), it might be an idea to run your script again to upload the latest versions of everything to keep the two sites synchronized.

clsource commented 3 years ago

Understood 👍

Quick question. Do you have a zip file with all your code?. You can upload it here as a comment and it would make the update process more easy and quickly.

In another comment I'm working on a playground app (and including your libs) to quickly working with Wren and having real time feedback.


PureFox48 commented 3 years ago

Do you have a zip file with all your code?

I'm afraid I don't and it would very difficult to make one from the files I have on my machine.

When I started adding Wren snippets to RC, I didn't think they'd have any permanent value to anyone (even myself) and so I've made no attempt to synchronize what's on RC with what's on my machine.

The file names will usually be different (I'm lazy so prefer short names), I may have written several solutions for the same task and only posted one of them, I may have edited the RC file direct and not bothered to update my local version and so forth.

The only exception to this is the 19 modules where it's important to keep the two copies synchronized.

I wonder whether, given the 'shifting sands', the aims of this repo are too ambitious and we should just archive (or even remove altogether) the task solutions and concentrate on the modules?

I don't often make changes to the latter and, when I do, I could change the file on the repo at the same time - you wouldn't need to do anything in this regard. As long as the module file contains a link back to its RC page, there will be plenty of examples listed for those interested to get their teeth into. They can simply copy and paste the code for an example from RC.

Your Wren-playground looks promising. Are you thinking of supporting DOME stuff as well in that?