Oficial Firmware for POCKETGO 2, thanks to Vincent of Retromimi
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VZ Tetris #55

Open Tatohead opened 3 years ago

Tatohead commented 3 years ago

The VZ tetris has an error that pops up for the newest rogue update. (It worked on version 1.0.9 base). Not a top priority to be too concern about since it works on a slightly older cfw.

The opk can be found here

Screen (when opened):


boot.lua:393 conf.lua:6: attempt to index field 'screen' (a nil value)

[C]: in function 'error'
[C]: in function 'xpcall'

Log file:

Kernal Vivante GPL kernal driver
Physical address of internal memory: 00000000
* Video memory:
Internal physical: 0x00000000
Internal size: 0x00000000
External physical: 00000000
External size: 00000000
Contiguous physical: 0x8c7f1980
Contiguous size: 0x00400000
Succesfully opened device
Error: [string "boot.lua"]:393 conf.lua:6: attempt to index field 'screen' (a nil value)
stack traceback
[][C]: in function 'error'
[][string "boot.lua"]:393: in function <[string "boot.lua"]:274>
[][C]: in function 'xpcall'
fbdev_display succesful
native_fbdev:2 buffers of 320x240
Framebuffer format:6, flip_rb=0
Framebuffer format:6, flip_rb=0