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Related #19

Closed NirViaje closed 5 years ago

NirViaje commented 5 years ago

Issue by derekoutis Monday Oct 29, 2018 at 18:38 GMT Originally opened as



ISRU In-Situ Resource Utilization for exponential scale heavy industry in deep space

github issues设计总体框架,逐节点验算/数据调研,物理层通了搞成在线javascript能简单计算performance,然后星座设计3D建模直接搞成webGL在线渲染,可交互随便拖拖拽拽调简单参数



KS? Mission badge? etc


NirViaje commented 5 years ago

Comment by derekoutis Monday Oct 29, 2018 at 18:38 GMT

why what how prove what to do

Mars today waits for the children of the old frontier. But Mars will not wait forever.

NirViaje commented 5 years ago

Comment by derekoutis Monday Oct 29, 2018 at 18:39 GMT


Preliminary/System Design

Target asteroids

Electronics/Optics in space

Concept design

Robotics and autonomous system

Metallurgy and business

Government Relationship (Lu)

Community supports

NirViaje commented 5 years ago

Comment by derekoutis Monday Oct 29, 2018 at 18:40 GMT

It's a purely unknow area, we need more community to explore for robustness/comprehensive of the whole plan, not just resource/workforce. Make people knowing and understand/participate in.


discussion with @warmonkey

Systems Tool Kit

Kaggle mode

git tools to support binary engineering files

more gerenral to all types of resources in deep space to help human being moving to interplanetary cultrue.

crowd soursing with no nearing product comes out

3 years, Kaggle 7 years, simulation system 10 years, test in space

Globalization from the domestic community

NirViaje commented 5 years ago

Comment by derekoutis Monday Oct 29, 2018 at 18:40 GMT

赶往火星 的笔记-第348页

后记:火星前线的重要性 第348页 当前,我们身处的社会越来越缺乏元气:权力结构日渐固化,所有阶层都在走向官僚化;政治制度无力完成大的项目;条条框框延伸到公众、私人、商业生活的每个角落;反理性主义扩张;流行文化走向庸俗;个体失去了冒险精神,也失去了自立精神与独立思考;经济停滞倒退;技术革新脚步蹒跚······你随便望向哪里,这些都清楚地写在墙上。 没有了可供新生命成长的前线,过去两个世纪以来推动以美国为代表的人类文化进步的精神也消失不见了。这个问题不仅仅是一个国家的损失——人类需要先驱才能进步,但现在我们眼前没有。 ······ 因此,人类的新前线只可能在火星上。 但为什么不能在地球上呢,海底或是什么遥远的地方,比如说南极洲?是的,移民海上或海底,或者说南极洲都完全有可能,在这些地方定居会比建立火星殖民地容易得多。然而,从历史的观点来看,这种地球上的发展都不能满足前线的必要条件——也就是说,它们还不够远,一个新社会没法自由发展。在今天这个时代,有现代的通讯和交通运输系统,不管你在地球上多么遥远的角落,甚至敌对的地区,条子都离你太近了。如果人们要享有创建属于自己的世界的尊严,就必须远离旧世界的束缚。 P352 多种文化的融合有健康的一面,因为某些时候,这样的融合会在艺术及其他领域催生出暂时的繁荣。它也能导致讨厌的种族紧张情绪上扬。可是不管文化融合释放的能量是如何在短期内消耗掉的,长期来看重要的还是:它耗尽了能量。文化的同质化就像用导线将电池两极连到一起。短时间内会产生大量热能,不过等到电势平衡下来,熵值就增至最大,电池废掉了。罗马帝国就是人类历史上这一现象的经典范例。统一带来的黄金时代后面通常紧跟着停滞与倒退。 P356 想想这个有趣的问题:在一个没有前线的世界里,人类的想象力何去何从?这里没有变化,只有不变;没有差异,只有相似;没有危险,只有安全;没有陌生海洋、大陆的变换莫测,只有能在已知中探求无害的微妙变化。梦想者、诗人和哲学家毕竟只是工具,他们只是说出、串起人们的希望、抱负与恐惧。 ······ 宇宙很辽阔。它的资源,如果我们能弄到的话,的确是无限的。在地球上开拓前线的4个世纪中,科技以惊人的速度发展。20世纪我们达成的技术成就,令19世纪任何一个观察者的期望都相形见绌,18世纪的人做梦都想象不出,而在17世纪的人看来,简直就是魔法。最近的恒星远得不可思议,大约是到火星距离的10万倍。不过,火星自己离地球的距离也有美洲离欧洲的10万倍。如果在过去4个世纪中,技术进步如此大幅度地扩展了我们能到达的范围,再有4个自由的世纪,我们就不能再来一次吗?有充足的理由可以相信,我们能做到。 ······ 今天的火星期待着旧前线的孩子们。但火星不会永远等下去。

the Case for Mars, p194 EPILOGUE: THE SIGNIFICANCE OF THE MARTIAN FRONTIER Currently we see around us an ever more apparent loss of vigor of our society: increasing fixity of the power structure and bureaucratization of all levels of life; impotence of political institutions to carry off great projects; the proliferation of regulations affecting all aspects of public, private, and commercial life; the spread of irrationalism; the banalization of popular culture; the loss of willingness by individuals to take risks, to fend for themselves or think for themselves; economic stagnation and decline; the deceleration of the rate of technological innovation. . . . Everywhere you look, the writing is on the wall. Without a frontier from which to breathe new life, the spirit that gave rise to the progressive humanistic culture that America has represented for the past two centuries is fading. The issue is not just one of national loss—human progress needs a vanguard, and no replacement is in sight. The creation of a new frontier thus presents itself as America’s and humanity’s greatest social need. Nothing is more important: Apply what palliatives you will, without a frontier to grow in, not only American society, but the entire global civilization based upon values of humanism, science, and progress will ultimately die. I believe that humanity’s new frontier can only be on Mars. But why not on Earth, under the ocea or in a remote region such as Antarctica? It is true that settlements on or under the sea or in Antarctica are entirely possible, and their establishment and access would be much easier than that of Martian colonies. Nevertheless, at this point in history such terrestrial developments cannot meet an essential requirement for a frontier—to wit, they are insufficiently remote to allow for the free development of a new society. In this day and age, with modern terrestrial communication and transportation systems, no matter how remote or hostile the spot on Earth, the cops are too close. If people are to have the dignity that comes with making their own world, they must be free of the old. Mars has what it takes. It’s far enough away to free its colonists from intellectual or cultural domination by the old world, and unlike the Moon, rich enough in resources to give birth to a new branch of human civilization. As we’ve seen, though the Red Planet may appear at first glance to be frozen desert, it harbors resources in abundance that can enable the creation of an advanced technological civilization. Mars is remote and can be settled.

NirViaje commented 5 years ago

Comment by derekoutis Monday Oct 29, 2018 at 18:40 GMT

on bussiness

NirViaje commented 5 years ago

Comment by derekoutis Monday Oct 29, 2018 at 18:41 GMT

About the homepage:

  1. Adding 'webGL launch page' makes it difficult to work on SEO since the loading time is crucial for a performance ranking in Google. In any case, WebGL animations can be added to any pages but not homepage.
  2. Should not include too much info on the homepage. Two paragraphs about 'Outlook + Why ISRU' should be enough. All other details should be provided with a link to the corresponding page.

This is what I will do:

NirViaje commented 5 years ago

Comment by derekoutis Monday Oct 29, 2018 at 18:42 GMT


  1. TransAstra: Opening the solar system to humanity
  2. DSI: Opening Deep Space for business; Advanced spacecraft technology propelling the world’s first private missions to deep space.
  3. Aten Engineering: Mapping the resources of near earth space, for good;
  4. Planetary Resources: Providing Resources to Fuel Industry and Sustain Life in Space
NirViaje commented 5 years ago

Comment by derekoutis Monday Oct 29, 2018 at 18:42 GMT

Gotcha, definitely this part about webGL should be later. Maybe we can try glTF/openCTM/Draco for 3d mesh compression and remesh the 3d file to save the loading time. All of the detail should be left decide after tested. The crucial thing is it is bad for SEO in this case.

I agree with your part two.

  1. Adding 'webGL launch page' makes it difficult to work on SEO since the loading time is crucial for a performance ranking in Google. In any case, WebGL animations can be added to any pages but not homepage.
  2. Should not include too much info on the homepage. Two paragraphs about 'Outlook + Why ISRU' should be enough. All other details should be provided with a link to the corresponding page.

This is what I will do:

NirViaje commented 5 years ago

Comment by derekoutis Monday Oct 29, 2018 at 18:42 GMT

Storytelling video by @astroprop

  1. 一颗流星划过天际,落地
  2. 原始人捡起陨铁,锻造成一把剑
  3. The first resources of iron on earth
  4. 铁匠铺,钢铁厂,蒸汽机,轮船。。。越来越快的闪过
  5. Inspired human into steel age
  6. Until...
  7. 隼鸟号发射视频,credit/JAXA
  8. Resources on asteroid becomes accessible
  9. 隼鸟号再入的流星画面,黑屏一秒钟
  10. 仿真视频出现,温度分布
  11. Melting of iron asteroid
  12. 仿真视频,太阳灶的光线追踪
  13. With concentrated solar thermal emerge energy
  14. 概念视频,飞行器、小行星、矿坑、设备整体出现
  15. 成品钢带变出来
  16. Fabrication in situ
  17. 机器人组装反射镜
  18. Replication of infrastructure
  19. 越来越多的反射镜出现
  20. Enables exponential growth of industry in solar system
  21. 小行星绕太阳分布的信息视频
  22. 建造舱段过程
  23. And sending back to earth
  24. 兆瓦电推点火,货船运送舱段航向地球
  25. Makes less cost compared to launching everything from earth
  26. 火箭频繁发射在太空拼舱段建ISS的过程
  27. 发射次数吨位和成本对比
  28. Enables sustainable colonization of human in space
  29. 太空城想象图,保持一段时间逐渐淡出
  30. 视频结束

@Sadya.Url.Mahraam 用串聯點或許更好?(縮放每個太空城都化作個光點,然後鏡頭拉伸到整個太陽系,鏈接各個光點最後匯聚至地球呢? 韩真alex00zoe23:11前面再加一段:大爆炸炸出了铁元素 韩真alex00zoe23:12后面再加一段:戴森球之后升级到高级文明然后用银河系制造铁。 韩真alex00zoe23:12闭环了 NirVa23:12@韩真alex00zoe 是红巨星生命快要终结的燃烧产生了铁 韩真alex00zoe23:12可以直接用剪辑等方式制作 韩真alex00zoe23:13b站上面有很多AE大神 liuyj23:13对,有很多可以剪辑或者幻灯片 NirVa23:13三分之二? NirVa23:13剩下的KSP? 韩真alex00zoe23:13你们一定可以较低成本做出较高质量的视频的 韩真alex00zoe23:13#IronSky NirVa23:14然后迭代三年后一版由联合国推吗 韩真alex00zoe23:14真的是完美的继承了工业革命的遗产!! NirVa23:21讲实话到时候真会出很多小国家 NirVa23:21因为随便哪到哪都得一年.. NirVa23:21天基互联网也很捉急 韩真alex00zoe23:21是,地理区隔,会导致主体诞生 NirVa23:22横跨0.3AU的激光链路? NirVa23:22文化圈 liuyj23:24视频做到太空城出现,社会形态请进入游戏 liuyj23:24clickdownload NirVa23:26对,这游戏一颗星不好玩 NirVa23:27其实是殖民卖货主题 韩真alex00zoe23:28#IronArt你们可以出新的艺术风格了 NirVa23:28#微重力朋克 liuyj23:29Kspmod一颗星,KS预售游戏MMORPG liuyj23:31付款最高的一档将得到第一代cubesat原型机的devkit硬件 liuyj23:33包括一套猴子的板卡,外壳,太阳能电池,机械臂,和一个半镀铝大气球 liuyj23:33可以拿回去自己训练机械臂,气球当摆件,需要体育场客厅 liuyj23:34不好操作什么意思? liuyj23:34必须的,用游戏训练AI liuyj23:35可以在桌面举铁 liuyj23:35不需要发射 liuyj23:36不装射频功放模块只有SDR部分 liuyj23:37有证的话自己去买功放 liuyj23:41想起来卫星动量轮可以做桌面平衡玩具 liuyj23:41Cubesat单角着地立在桌面上用机械臂抓东西 liuyj23:58这视频本身可以做KS游戏众筹了吧? liuyj23:59做视频效果用的kspmod放在众筹页面直接下载 liuyj00:00项目说明里再加上一些实物照片 NirVa00:00可以跟进一个附录视频 NirVa00:00extended加长版 liuyj00:01分开放,类似电影和花絮的区别 liuyj00:02整个项目说明就是一种电影花絮

还可以envsion一下炼了这么多钢之后utilize的场景,the steel city NirVa23:02中间加些细节数据支持,增加credit 比如磁盾稳姿
