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Open NirViaje opened 5 years ago

NirViaje commented 5 years ago

The EDS, a self-bootstrap large scale industry in deep space



包含学术研究类文章摘要的四要素:研究目的、方法、结果、结论;综述类的文章,应涵盖该领域的主要成果和研究进展,提出作者的观点和见解,指出这一主题继续研究的方向......(8.5 Pt宋体)

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参考文献(References) Ramesh A, Lee D J and Hong S G. Soluble microbial products(SMP) and soluble extracellular polymeric substaIlces(EPS)from wastewater sludge. [DOI 10.1007/ s00253-006-0446-y] (8 Pt) Lin Z H, Mo X G, Li H X and Li H B. 2002. Comparison of three spatial interpolation methods for climate variables in China. Acta Geographica Sinica, 57(1): 47-56 (林忠辉, 莫兴国, 李宏轩, 李海滨. 2002. 中国陆地区域气象要素的空间插值. 地理学报, 57(1): 47-56) [DOI:10.3321/j.issn:0375-5444. 2002.01.006] (中文文献标注方式) Zhang J P, Yi W N, Wang X H, Qiao Y L and Zheng X B. 2001. Measurement and analysis of reflectance in central area of Dunhuang radiometric calibration site. Compilation of Papers about Scientific Research Achievement for China Radiometric Calibration Sites. Beijing: Geological Publishing Press:1-5 (章俊平, 易维宁, 李先华, 乔延利, 郑小兵. 2001. 敦煌辐射校正场中心区反射率特性的测量及分析. 中国遥感卫星辐射校正场科研成果论文选编. 北京:地质出版社:1-5)(专著、论文集应列出出版社和出版地) CHRISTINE M. 1998. Plant physiology in the Genome Era[. Science, 281:331-332[1998-09-23]. http://www.sciencemag. org/ cgi/collection/anatmorp (网络文献需给出访问日期) Shao Y. 2000. Studies on Rice Backscatter Signatures in
Time Domain and its Application. Beijing: Chinese Academy of Sciences:22-38

Structure mass of space system is a critical limitation for the launch to orbit and takes a significant part of large equipment. The further investigation includes on-orbit assembly, in-situ resource utilization of fuels and build materials etc. However, relatively sustainable exponential expansion of the industry is needed to get large scale space industries. We propose the concept of Exponential Deep Space (EDS) here to enable exponential scaling of industry in deep space to achieve the goal above.

空间系统的结构质量在发射入轨过程中是个非常严格的限制,同时也是大型设备总质量中非常重要的一部分,探索中的工作包括在轨组装,燃料与建造材料的原位资源利用等。然而,可持续的指数增长是构建大尺度空间工业很重要的部分。为了达到以上目标本文提出了指数深空(Exponential Deep Space, EDS)的概念以获得深空工业的指数增长能力。

A systematic method of utilizing solar energy for smelting and fabrication in metallic Near Earth Asteroid (NEA) is proposed in this paper. Solar collector enables in situ melting and forming for structural materials. After that, we utilize a space robot arm system to replicate the solar collector and other key structures include the robot arms itself to enable exponential growth of deep space industries. A reasonable payload has been planned to meet the requirement of the launch system for the initial base package. The key challenge has been analyzed including positioning/attitude of the solar collector, metallurgy problem under micro-gravity/vacuum environment, and the failure rate influences of the autonomous system. Series of evidence of the existence of metallic NEA have been proposed, including the requirement of the properties of the target NEA.


Several potential applications have been evaluated in the 5th section of the paper. Finally, we estimated the sustainable throughput with rational supplements from the earth industry and potential further developments have been discussed.


1. Background

2. The method

3. Challenge of engineering

3.1. Solar collector

3.2. Metallurgy and shaping


3.3. Autonomous system

4. Does metallic NEA exist?

4.1. Evidence

4.1.1. Radar observations

4.1.2. Crate of Greenland

4.1.3. Statistic survey of available crate

4.2. Requirement

4.2.1. Component content

4.2.2. Orbit

4.2.3. Spin

5. Applications

5.1. Solar Power Satellites (SPS)

5.2. Cabin section

5.3. Large scale radio telescope

5.4. Interplanetary transfer vehicle

6. Further developments and conclusion

6.1. Propellant harvest from C/S-type

6.2. Mass driver, Interplanetary launch system (

6.3. Space city (

6.4. The scale (7. conclusion

autonomous breakdown (comparing with lunar1982 etc historically, ImageNet/warcraft etc, should be a awarded challenge contest

analysis of failure rate



The most recent comprehensive mission architecture for human missions to Mars is the NASA Design Reference Architecture V5 (DRA5), which includes in-situ production of liquid oxygen (LOX) from atmospheric methane as a critical mission factor in drastically reducing the mass of oxygen required to be sent to Mars. The atmosphere-only fuel production option is selected, since prospecting and extracting water on Mars was deemed too risky. However, if this problem can be solved, much lower energy processes to produce LOX while at the same time producing methane fuel can be achieved.

This study examined several candidate technologies for methane production on Mars, evaluating the processing requirements, and calculating the energy costs of methane production and storage on the surface. The technology candidates included solid oxide electrolysis (SOXE) to produce LOX only, and several others to produce LOX/methane: Sabatier/electrolysis, Sabatier/SOXE processing, and electrochemical production using ionic liquid cells. In addition to the production energy costs, liquification of the output products as well as energy costs of storage were also calculated.

The study used the detailed designs from the Mars DRA5, augmented with more recent conceptual design specifications of Mars landers from the Evolvable Mars Campaign (EMC). The EMC design has 3 Mars Descent Modules (MDM)s and one Mars Ascent Vehicle (MAV) per human mission. In the EMC design, the propellant production unit fills the MAV tanks for the return to Mars orbit. Using this design envelope, the study calculated the energy increase required to convert from LOX-only, to methane and LOX production, as well as the energy requirements of using the landed mission assets over time to create a Mars gas station infrastructure to provide fuel for the next generation of reusable vehicles. Each human mission would land a power supply, a production plant, and enough storage tanks for its own return flight. However, if these systems continue to produce fuel after the initial mission period, storing the new production in unused landed tanks in the MDMs, then an additional 30t of fuel can be produced per synodic period, per set of landed hardware. After three missions to the same location using this disposable hardware, there would be enough propellant production and storage capability at this Mars base to fully fuel a reusable transport system. Keywords: (Mars, ISRU, propellant, methane, Sabatier, SOXE)


A large fraction of asteroids with diameter d > 240 m are suspected to be loose piles of rocks and boulders bound together mainly by gravity and only weak cohesion. Still to date the size and distribution of voids and monolithic fragments inside these "rubble-piles" are not known. To perform a full tomographic interior reconstruction a bistatic CubeSat configuration has been investigated by Tampere University of Technology (TUT), Radar Systemtechnik GmbH (RST) and the Max Planck Institute for Solar System Research (MPS). The concept is based on two 6U CubeSats, both carrying an identical 1U sized stepped frequency radar. As stepped frequency radars can be built compact, require less power and generate less data volume compared to other radar applications they are well-suited for small satellite platforms. In 2017 the Concurrent Design Facility of ESA/ESTEC conducted two studies relevant for DISCUS. In the Small Planetary Probes (SPP) study DISCUS served as a reference payload for a piggyback mission to a Near-Earth Asteroid (NEA) or even a Main Belt Asteroid (MBA). The M-ARGO study investigated a stand-alone mission to a NEA, with a DISCUS sized instrument. Based on the spacecraft design of SPP and M-ARGO we could prove the instrument requirements as feasible and evaluate our science case from the orbits and mission duration that have been identified by these studies. Using inversion methods developed for medical tomography the data would allow to reconstruct the large scale interior structure of a small body. Simulations have shown that the measurement principle and the inversion method are robust enough to allow full reconstruction of the interior even if the orbits do not cover the entire surface of the asteroid. The measurement results of the mission will help to gain a better understanding of asteroids and the formation mechanisms of the solar system. In addition, the findings will increase the predictability of asteroid impact consequences on Earth and improve future concepts of asteroid deflection.


space industry in need

aim, self bootstrap large scale of industry in space


the isru Survey, state of arts now, [1982Lunar, Donald Rapp, Project RAMA] etc.

limitation, capacity in need of IBP, human/autonomous

exponential [Dyson, .., etc]

Method metal asteroid

image mirror/solar pumped laser [Vasile], simulation 加来道雄与nasa some one火星加热规划 mech/magnatics [magnatic float, etc]

zone melting []

powder/thin rolling/cold source []

foil/steel mirror []

robotics [MadeInSpace, orbitRTK, RepSat]


plan of IBP [Apollo, 1982Lunar, etc]

scale of exponential


in search of M-type

fix position of mirror array

failure rate


the feasibility of eds

NirViaje commented 5 years ago

NirViaje commented 5 years ago


A near-Earth object (NEO) is any small Solar System body whose orbit can bring it into proximity with Earth. By convention, a Solar System body is a NEO if its closest approach to the Sun (perihelion) is less than 1.3 astronomical units (AU).[2] If a NEO's orbit crosses the Earth's and the object is larger than 140 meters (460 ft) across, it is considered a potentially hazardous object (PHO).[3] Most known PHOs and NEOs are asteroids, but a small fraction are comets.[1]

Target asteroids


^ - (click to go to first anchor of this comment)

NirViaje commented 5 years ago

IAC 71th, 2020

12–16 October 2020 | Dubai, United Arab Emirates

Submit your abstract through the online IAF portal at no later than 11:59 PM CEST on 28 February 2020.

IAC 70th, 2019


International Academy of Astronautics (IAA)


NirViaje commented 5 years ago

the beyond

NirViaje commented 5 years ago

the generation of the first humans that will travel to Mars and beyond

Charting a Course for Success: America's Strategy for STEM Education

Augmented Reality Sandbox, UCDavis

Yeqzids commented 5 years ago

Comments and some suggestions for language edits...

The EDS, a self-bootstrap large scale industry in deep space


Structure mass Mass of space system is a critical limitation during for the launch to orbit and takes a significant part of large scale equipment (the total mass?). Further investigation included includes on-orbit assembly, in-situ resource utilization of for? fuels and build maters (what is a mater?) etc. However, exponential expending (expansion?) of industry scale is in need needed to get sustainable growth space industries. We propose the concept of Exponential Deep Space (EDS) here to enable exponential scaling of industry in deep space to achieve the goal above.

A systematic method of utilizing solar energy for smelting and reproduction (what do you mean by reproducing metals on NEOs?) in metal type metallic NEO (spell in full) asteroid is proposed in this paper. Solar collector enables in situ melting and forming for structural materials. After that, we utilize a space robot arms system to replicate the solar collector and other key structures include the robot arms itself to enable exponential growth of deep space industries. A reasonable payload has been planned to meet the requirement of the launch system for the initial base package. The key challenge has been analyzed including positioning/attitude of the solar collector, metallurgy problem under micro-gravity/vacuum environment, and the failure rate influences of the autonomous system. Series of evidence of the existence of NEO metal type metallic asteroid have been proposed, including the requirement of the properties of the target NEO. Several potential applications have been evaluated during the fourth part (in the 4th section?) of the paper. Finally, we estimated the sustainable scale (throughput?) with a rational supplement from the earth industry and several applications have been forecasted (discussed?).

autonomous breakdown (comparing with lunar1982 etc historically, ImageNet/warcraft etc, should be a awarded challenge contest

 * sensing

 * recognization

 * movement planning

 * online monitoring

 * hierarchical planning/optimization

analysis of failure rate

 * hardware tri redundant

 * software double tri redundant
pzelchenko commented 5 years ago

See below: Not bad, I've touched up some of the English. You can -diff- it with what you have above.

The EDS, a self-bootstrapping large scale industry for deep space


The structural mass of a space-based system is a critical limitation, and heavy equipment constitutes a significant component of the payload. Further investigation may conclude a need for in-orbit assembly, in-situ resource utilization of fuels and building materials, and other general considerations. However, relatively sustainable exponential expansion of the industry is needed to succeed with a large-scale space-based industrial project. We propose the concept of Exponential Deep Space (EDS) to enable exponential scaling of industry in deep space to achieve these goals.

We propose a systematic method of utilizing solar energy for smelting and fabrication in metallic near-Earth asteroids (NEA). A solar collector enables in-situ melting and forming of structural materials. We then utilize a robot arm system to replicate the solar collector and other key structures -- including the robot arms themselves -- to enable the exponential growth of a deep-space industrial program. A reasonable payload has been devised to meet the requirement of the launch system for the initial base package. Most key challenges have been considered, such as positioning/attitude of the solar collector, metallurgy problems under a micro-gravity and/or vacuum environment, and the failure rate influences of autonomous systems. Evidence of the existence of metallic NEAs is given, including certain requirements of specific properties of the target NEA.

Several potential applications are evaluated in the 5th section of the paper. Finally, we estimate the sustainable throughput with rational supplements from Earth-bound industry, as well as discussing potential further developments.

1. Background

2. The method

3. Challenges for engineering

3.1. The solar collector

3.2. Metallurgy and shaping

3.3. Autonomous systems

4. Does metallic NEA exist?

4.1. Evidence

4.1.1. Radar observations

4.1.2. Greenland crater

4.1.3. Statistical survey of available craters

4.2. Requirements

4.2.1. Component content

4.2.2. Orbit

4.2.3. Spin

* Speed

* Axis attitude

5. Applications

5.1. Solar power satellites (SPS)

5.2. Cabin section

5.3. Large scale radio telescope

5.4. Interplanetary transfer vehicle

6. Further developments and conclusion

6.1. Propellant harvest from C/S-type

6.2. Mass driver, Interplanetary launch system (

6.3. Space city (

6.4. The scale (7. conclusion