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[Feature] Fetch and Display User's GitHub Repositories in Profile #37

Closed Sahilll15 closed 1 month ago

Sahilll15 commented 1 month ago


We need to implement a feature that allows fetching a user's GitHub repositories using their GitHub username and displaying them on their profile page. This enhancement will provide users with a more personalized and interactive experience on our platform.

Input Field for GitHub Username:

Add an input field in the user profile settings where users can enter their GitHub username. Fetch Repositories:

Use GitHub's API to fetch the list of public repositories for the given username. Handle potential errors, such as invalid usernames or API request failures gracefully. Display Repositories:

On the user's profile page, display a list of their public GitHub repositories. Include basic details for each repository: repository name, description, stars, forks, and the link to the repository.


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Nishitbaria commented 1 month ago

Can you explain Like what you are planning to show on user Profile @Sahilll15

Sahilll15 commented 1 month ago

@Nishitbaria I was thinking of fetching the user's GitHub repos and displaying it in his profile using his GitHub username getting the top repos maybe

Kalyan9064 commented 1 month ago

I would like to work on this . Please could you assign me this issue under GSSOC'24