NishkarshRaj / 100DaysofMLCode

My journey to learn and grow in the domain of Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence by performing the #100DaysofMLCode Challenge. Now supported by bright developers adding their learnings :+1:
MIT License
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Pull request For HacktoberFest Problem #61

Closed UdayKiranPadhy closed 3 years ago

UdayKiranPadhy commented 3 years ago

Hey , I Submitted the pull request for hacktober fest , Before I tell you that , you closed it. Please Lable it as hactoberfest and hacktoberfest-accpted

Please , Lable it as "hacktoberfest" and "hacktoberfest-accepted" Open the link and on the right side there is a lable tab and please add it. Please Bro