Nithinraot / SEBC

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Test HDFS #11

Open Nithinraot opened 6 years ago

Nithinraot commented 6 years ago

As user jimenez, use teragen to generate a 65,536,000-record dataset Write the output to 8 files Set the block size to 64 MB Set the mapper container size to 512 MiB Name the target directory tgen Use the time command to capture job duration Put the following in challenges/labs/ The full teragen command and output The result of the time command The command and output of hdfs dfs -ls /user/jimenez/tgen The command and output of hadoop fsck -blocks /user/jimenez Push this work to GitHub and label the Issue review Assign the issue to the instructors

Nithinraot commented 6 years ago

hadoop jar hadoop-mapreduce-examples-2.6.0-cdh5.13.3.jar teragen -D dfs.block.size=67108864 65536000 /user/jimenez/tgen/