Nitive / postcss-extract

PostCSS plugin to extract css inside @at-rules into separate files
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mocha@3.2.0 untested ⚠️ #198

Closed greenkeeperio-bot closed 7 years ago

greenkeeperio-bot commented 7 years ago

Hello lovely humans,

mocha just published its new version 3.2.0.

State No tests :warning:
Dependency mocha
New version 3.2.0
Type devDependency

This version is covered by your current version range, but I could not detect automated tests for this project. Without a test suite I can not really tell whether your project still works.

I was looking at the latest commit of your default branch, but GitHub said there is no status attached to it.

Do you have any ideas how I could improve these pull requests? Did I report anything you think isn’t right? Are you unsure about how things are supposed to work?

There is a collection of frequently asked questions and while I’m just a bot, there is a group of people who are happy to teach me new things. Let them know.

Good luck with your project :sparkles:

You rock!


GitHub Release

3.2.0 / 2016-11-24

📰 News

Mocha is now a JS Foundation Project!

Mocha is proud to have joined the JS Foundation. For more information, read the announcement.

Contributor License Agreement

Under the foundation, all contributors to Mocha must sign the JS Foundation CLA before their code can be merged. When sending a PR--if you have not already signed the CLA--a friendly bot will ask you to do so.

Mocha remains licensed under the MIT license.

🐛 Bug Fix

🎉 Enhancement

🔩 Other

Thanks to all our contributors, sponsors and backers! Keep on the lookout for a public roadmap and new contribution guide coming soon.

The new version differs by 25 commits .

There are 25 commits in total. See the full diff.

This pull request was created by

Tired of seeing this sponsor message? :zap: greenkeeper upgrade