NitorCreations / RobotFramework-EclipseIDE

Developing an Eclipse IDE for the Robot Framework test automation tool
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Auto-complete for keywords coming from libraries (either official ones or custom-made) #73

Open baudren opened 8 years ago

baudren commented 8 years ago

Currently, except if it is due to a misconfiguration on my side, I am not seeing any code completion for keywords in official libraries. For instance, I would expect the following

*** Settings ***
Library         Screenshot

*** Test Cases ***
    Take [cursor here]

when pressing ctrl+space to propose the two possible completions, Take Screenshot and Take Screenshot Without Embedding (as seen there).

Similarly, when importing self-made libraries (either in python or in java), I would expect the auto-complete to work there also.

I realise that this would be a big undertaking, but it would really go a long way to make the plugin really useful for mixed projects - because sometimes, it is just not possible to define all keywords with Robot Framework directly.

xkr47 commented 8 years ago

Agreed, it would be good thing to have.

baudren commented 8 years ago

When looking at the source code, @xkr47 , I found the files contained in this folder: plugin/robot-indices. Are these a start in the direction of implementing the autocompletion - at least for official external libraries? Because as a first step, if this would give auto-complete for a library as long as there is such a file, it could be a great help for me already.

MRDcoder commented 8 years ago

i am also thinking about this future. I don't have idea about how to design auto complete feature but i will try if @xkr47 or someone else guide me