NitrOP7674 / FreeplayCheckpoint

Rocket League Freeplay Checkpoint plugin
MIT License
11 stars 4 forks source link

Does it still work? #14

Closed johanalkstal closed 2 years ago

johanalkstal commented 2 years ago

Since Psyonix released their own Freeplay bindings, I haven't been able to make the FreeplayCheckpoint bindings to work, nothing changes when applying the bindings.

Is it still possible to do?

NitrOP7674 commented 2 years ago

Things are working fine for me. FWIW I unbound the in-game features (controller config) and use the bakkesmod-provided ones instead. It could be those interfere with the plugin if you use the same buttons for them.

After that, check your bindings tab in the Bakkesmod console (F2) and make sure the commands you want bound (see the list in the README) are set up properly.

johanalkstal commented 2 years ago
