Nitrak / Vocal-Raid-Assistant

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Vra 118 soundchannel error msg #119

Closed nyy23 closed 2 years ago

Nitrak commented 2 years ago

@nyy23 you think 15 seconds is enough time? Again, if someone turns off the sound for some reason a msg every 15 seconds seems like quite a lot.

Let's try to put it at 60 seconds initially.

nyy23 commented 2 years ago

Yes, I think 15s a good value. Keep in mind, the amount of spam Addons or Weakauras produce. Propagating one error message every 60s might get "pushed" out of chat very quickly.

Nitrak commented 2 years ago

That is with that kept in mind. This error message is just to remind the user that if he/she wants the add-on to function it needs to be turned on. Once every 15 seconds is quite often for a message like this.