Nitrokey / nitrokey-app

Nitrokey's Application (Win, Linux, Mac)
287 stars 55 forks source link

Please provide possibility to auto-start nitrokey-app minimized or in systray #349

Closed Polynomial-C closed 5 years ago

Polynomial-C commented 6 years ago

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Expected behaviour

When logging into KDE, nitrokey-app should start itself in systray (like in previous versions)

Current behaviour

When logging into KDE, nitrokey-app window pops up

Steps for reproduction

Log into KDE (KF5 in my case), start nitrokey-app, save KDE session, logout, re-login




  1. Log into KDE (KF5 in my case)
  2. start nitrokey-app
  3. save KDE session (can be configured to happen on logout)
  4. logout
  5. re-login


Logs attached:

oderwat commented 6 years ago

Same on OS X (see I don't know why this was changed but I doubt that it got enough thinking.

alex-nitrokey commented 6 years ago

On the one hand it was necessary to have a main window for the App (see changes in Gnome #274 ) and on the other hand there were many users who had problem with "the App not starting", because they did not recognized it in system tray. IMHO it is a good idea to let a full featured window start. It is still a legit proposal to have a option to start in system tray though. Let's see what @szszszsz says about it...

szszszsz commented 6 years ago

These were precisely the reasons. App earlier had no main window hence it had nothing to show on start. Sure, there is no problem with adding such option to settings, so the App will execute minimized, but on the very first run will always show up.

oderwat commented 6 years ago

On Mac there is still a difference between running in the "tray" and running in the "dock". So please make sure that, if you add an option for that, there is also a way to get rid of the dock icon. It is pretty annoying to have a background program sitting in the dock and the "tray" all the time.

VanNostrand commented 6 years ago

How is the autostart implemented anyways? Yesterday I had two instances of nitrokey-app running, today I have three instances runnig when my plasma session starts.

VanNostrand commented 6 years ago

yeah, rebooted my PC and now I have 4 instances of nitrokey-app running

alex-nitrokey commented 6 years ago

This reminds me of this...

I think it's something about Plasma, but I couldn't work it out in the past :thinking:

szszszsz commented 6 years ago

Hi @VanNostrand ! That is a different kind of issue and not related to Nitrokey App - it has no autostart-related functionality at all. My guess is, you are saving the session on window manager closing and all apps working then are restored and new instance of Nitrokey App is called. You need to ask on related forum/discussion list about that. Perhaps linked by @alex-nitrokey topic will give you some insight.

heikojansen commented 5 years ago

+1 for adding an option to show no window when auto-starting on login. It's quite annoying that one always needs to manually close the window.