Nitrokey / nitrokey-app

Nitrokey's Application (Win, Linux, Mac)
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Make it nicer - same method for transaltion selection #409

Closed Peacekeeper2000 closed 2 years ago

Peacekeeper2000 commented 5 years ago

the translation file could be choosen by a pull down. For German it is "de_DE" as an entry, whiel for other langguages iut is only "en" or "fr" - so it should be either "de" or "en_US" and "en_UK" etc. Currently that - and yes it is more a polishing of the UI - is distracting

jans23 commented 5 years ago

Since we don't have any localization other than the language itself (no point to distinguish en_UK from en_US for example) I suggest to make it "Deutsch", "English", "Français" etc.

Peacekeeper2000 commented 5 years ago

I just wonder where the translation files are under macOS. I would have expected them under ....Content/resources/... of the App. But it looks like they are compiled into the App ?? Anyhow, I think a constant way of naming would be prefferable and doing it with ISO labels sounds good for me - just in the same way for all

szszszsz commented 5 years ago

Yes, they are internal resource, as specified in Renaming should not be a problem. The double naming came from initial assumption, that the ISO codes would be kept.