Nitrokey / pynitrokey

Python client for Nitrokey devices
Apache License 2.0
93 stars 28 forks source link

Update credential support #425

Closed szszszsz closed 10 months ago

szszszsz commented 11 months ago

This PR adds support for the credentials update, introduced in

It's possible now to rename the credential, change its touch button use requirement, and change content of the PWS fields.

Builds on



Make sure to run make check and make fix before creating a PR, otherwise the CI will fail.

Test Environment and Execution

Relevant Output Example

~/w/pynitrokey (402-update-credential-2|✔) $ ./venv/bin/nitropy nk3 secrets update --help
Command line tool to interact with Nitrokey devices 0.4.39
Usage: nitropy nk3 secrets update [OPTIONS] NAME

  Update credential. Change Static Password fields, or touch button
  requirement attribute.

  --login TEXT            Password Safe Login
  --password TEXT         Password Safe Password
  --metadata TEXT         Password Safe Metadata - additional field, to which
                          extra information can be encoded
  --touch-button BOOLEAN  Activate/deactivate touch button requirement
  --help                  Show this message and exit.
~/w/pynitrokey (402-update-credential-2|✔) $ ./venv/bin/nitropy nk3 secrets update "CRED ID" --touch-butto
n False
Command line tool to interact with Nitrokey devices 0.4.39
Please touch the device if it blinks
~/w/pynitrokey (402-update-credential-2|✔) $ ./venv/bin/nitropy nk3 secrets list
Command line tool to interact with Nitrokey devices 0.4.39
Please provide PIN to show PIN-protected entries (if any), or press ENTER to skip
Please touch the device if it blinks
Current PIN (8 attempts left):
No PIN provided
01. CRED ID     Hotp/Sha1
02. CRED ID2    Hotp/Sha1
~/w/pynitrokey (402-update-credential-2|✔) $ ./venv/bin/nitropy nk3 secrets update "CRED ID" --touch-butto
n True
Command line tool to interact with Nitrokey devices 0.4.39
Please touch the device if it blinks
~/w/pynitrokey (402-update-credential-2|✔) $ ./venv/bin/nitropy nk3 secrets list
Command line tool to interact with Nitrokey devices 0.4.39
Please provide PIN to show PIN-protected entries (if any), or press ENTER to skip
Please touch the device if it blinks
Current PIN (8 attempts left):
No PIN provided
01. CRED ID     Hotp/Sha1       touch required
02. CRED ID2    Hotp/Sha1
~/w/pynitrokey (402-update-credential-2|✔) $

Fixes #402


szszszsz commented 10 months ago
