Nitrux / luv-icon-theme

Lüv is the spiritual successor to Flattr, a flat but complex icon theme for freedesktop environments.
924 stars 99 forks source link

[Linux ] Add support for GTK symbolic icons #188

Open brontosaurusrex opened 6 years ago

brontosaurusrex commented 6 years ago
mkdir source
cd source || exit
git clone
cd luv-icon-theme || exit
cp -r Luv Luv-dark
cd Luv-dark || exit
find . -name "*.svg" -exec sed -i 's/#4d4d4d/#f5f5f5/gI' {} \;
sed -i 's/Name=Lüv/Name=Lüv-dark/g' index.theme
sed -i 's/Inherits=/Inherits=Papirus-Adapta-Nokto/g' index.theme
[[ -d $HOME/.icons ]] &&  mv ../Luv-dark ~/.icons

^ This quick hack looks pretty good with Adapta-Nokto.

UriHerrera commented 6 years ago

Luv doesn't have symbolic icons for GTK, but it does support the Plasma color schemes feature.

For more features, please support its development.