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Zulip for governance discussions #142

Closed infinisil closed 2 months ago

infinisil commented 2 months ago

To get started in a productive way with, a couple community members worked together on this proposal to use Zulip for governance discussion and how exactly. We'd like the foundation board to decide over it.

Why Zulip? Mainly because we started discussing stuff on Matrix until it became too messy 5 minutes in (and Matrix threads don't work well). Zulip doesn't have that issue, let's use it from the start for governance discussions.

By merging this PR I'm assuming the responsibility to make this proposal reality, there is no further action needed by the board.

Signed by:

endocrimes commented 2 months ago

(the danielle in question there is actually me, because... yay handle inconsistencies 🙈 )

Janik-Haag commented 2 months ago

same goes for the janik in the list :D

infinisil commented 2 months ago

Thanks, fixed! Edit: Also realised Patka's handle didn't match, fixed now

Valodim commented 2 months ago

It is a little unclear to me from the document how exclusive the zulip is intended to be. Is this intended to be a community communication channel for governance discussion alongside discourse and matrix where people can also bring up individual concerns in the future (which could quickly include hundreds of people), or a more focused and preselected group of just a handful of people?

I'd be fine with either of those options, and kind of expecting the latter. The document could just be more specific on its intent there in addition to the more formal criteria, which can be applied in different ways.

infinisil commented 2 months ago

@Valodim Zulip will be very open, as anybody that made any contribution to Nix (even to non-official repos!) before 2024-05-01 is welcome. This also includes non-code contributions like team membership, etc. This includes thousands of people (there's 3k Nixpkgs package maintainers!).

Furthermore, external experts are welcome too (even if they never interacted with Nix), and if none of the above applies, you can still ask for an invite and we can consider it. And even furthermore, people who have been banned are also given a second chance to discuss things constructively.

So really, I think this is the most non-exclusionary proposal possible, and anybody that could help figure this out is welcome!

nixos-discourse commented 2 months ago

This pull request has been mentioned on NixOS Discourse. There might be relevant details there: