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Nix and IPFS #859

Open vcunat opened 8 years ago

vcunat commented 8 years ago

(I wanted to split this thread from .)

Let's discuss relations with IPFS here. As I see it, mainly a decentralized way to distribute nix-stored data would be appreciated.

What we might start with

The easiest usable step might be to allow distribution of fixed-output derivations over IPFS. That are paths that already are content-addressed, typically by (truncated) sha256 over either a flat file or a tar-like dump of a directory tree; more details are in the docs. These paths are mainly used for compressed tarballs of sources. This step itself should avoid lots of problems with unstable upstream downloads, assuming we could convince enough nixers to serve their files over IPFS.

Converting hashes

One of the difficulties is that we use different kinds of hashing than in IPFS, and I don't think it would be good to require converting those many thousands of hashes in our expressions. (Note that it's infeasible to convert among those hashes unless you have the whole content.) IPFS people might best suggest how to work around this. I imagine we want to "serve" a mapping from the hashes we use to the IPFS's hashes, perhaps realized through IPNS. (I don't know details of IPFS's design, I'm afraid.) There's an advantage that one can easily verify the nix-style hash in the end after obtaining the paths in any way.

Non-fixed content

If we get that far, it shouldn't be too hard to manage distributing everything via IPFS, as for all other derivations we use something we could call indirect content addressing. To explain that, let's look at how we distribute binaries now – our binary caches. We hash the build recipe, including all its recipe dependencies, and we inspect the corresponding narinfo URL on If our build farm has built that recipe, various information is in that file, mainly the hashes of the content of the resulting outputs of that build and crypto-signatures of them.

Note that this narinfo step just converts our problem to the previous fixed-output case, and the conversion itself seems very reminiscent of IPNS.


Note that nix-built stuff has significantly greater than usual potential for chunk-level deduplication. Very often we do a rebuild of a package only because something in a dependency has changed, so there are only very minor changes expected in the results, mainly just exchanging the references to runtime dependencies as their paths have changed. (In seldom occasions even lengths of the paths would change.) There's a great potential to save on that during distribution of binaries, which would be utilized by implementing the section above, and even potential in saving disk space in comparison to our way of hardlinking equal files (the next paragraph).

Saving disk space

Another use might be to actually store the files in a FS similar to what IPFS uses. That seems a little more complex and tricky thing to deploy, e.g. I'm not sure someone already trusts the implementation of the FS enough to have the whole OS running of it.

It's probably premature to speculate too much on this use ATM; I'll just write I can imagine having symlinks from /nix/store/foo to /ipfs/*, representing the locally trusted version of that path. (That's working around the problems related to making /nix/store/foo content-addressed.) Perhaps it could start as a per-path opt-in, so one could move only the less vital paths out of /nix/store itself.

I can help personally with bridging the two communities in my spare time. Not too long ago, I spent many months on researching various ways to handle "highly redundant" data, mainly from the point of view of theoretical computer science.

ehmry commented 8 years ago

I'm curious what the minimalist way to associate store paths to IPFS objects while interfering as little as possible with IPFS-unaware tools would be.

vcunat commented 8 years ago

I described such a way in the second paragraph from bottom. It should work with IPFS and nix store as they are, perhaps with some script that would move the data, create the symlink and pin the path in IPFS to avoid losing it during GC. (It could be unpinned when nix deletes the symlink during GC.)

ehmry commented 8 years ago

I was thinking about avoiding storing store objects in something that wouldn't require a daemon, but of course you can't have everything.

Ericson2314 commented 8 years ago

@vcunat Great write up! More thoughts on this later, but one thing that gets me is the tension between wanting incremental goals, and avoiding work we don't need long term. For example it will take some heroics to use our current hashing schemes, but for things like dedup and the intensional store we'd want to switch to what IPFS already does (or much closer to that) anyways.

Maybe the best first step is a new non-flat/non-NAR hashing strategy for fixed output derivations? We can slowly convert nixpkgs to use that, and get IPFS mirroring and dedup in the fixed-output case. Another step is using git tree hashes for fetch git. We already want to do that, and I suspect IPFS would want that too for other users. IPFS's multihash can certainly be heavily abused for such a thing :).

Ericson2314 commented 8 years ago

For me the end goal should be only using IPNS for the derivation -> build map. Any trust-based compatibility map between hashing schemes long term makes the perfectionist in me sad :).

vcunat commented 8 years ago

For example it will take some heroics to use our current hashing schemes, but for things like dedup and the intensional store we'd want to switch to what IPFS already does (or much closer to that) anyways.

I meant that we would "use" some IPFS hashes but also utilize a mapping from our current hashes, perhaps run over IPNS, so that it would still be possible to run our fetchurl { sha256 = "..." } without modification. Note that it's these flat tarball hashes that most upstreams release and sign, and that's not going to change anytime soon, moreover there's not much point in trying to deduplicate compressed tarballs anyway. (We might choose to use uncompressed sources instead, but that's just another partially independent decision I'm not sure about.)

Ericson2314 commented 8 years ago

For single files / IPFS blobs, we should be able to hash the same way without modification.

Ericson2314 commented 8 years ago

But for VCS fetches we currently do a recursive/nar hash right? That is what I was worried about.

Ericson2314 commented 8 years ago

@ehmry I assume it would be pretty easy to make the nix store an immutable FUSE filesystem backed by IPFS (hopefully such a thing exists already). Down the road I'd like to have package references and the other things currently in the SQLite database also backed by IPFS: they would "appear" in the fuse filesystem as specially-named symlinks/hard-links/duplicated sub-directories. "referees" is the only field I'm aware of that'd be a cache on top. Nix would keep track of roots, but IPFS would do GC itself, in the obvious way.

cleverca22 commented 8 years ago

one idea i had, was to keep all outputs in NAR format, and have the fuse layer dynamically unpack things on-demand, that can then be used with some other planned IPFS features to share a file without copying it into the block storage

then you get a compressed store and don't have to store 2 copies of everything (the nar for sharing and the installed)

nmikhailov commented 8 years ago

@cleverca22 yeah, I had same thoughts about that, its unclear how hard this would impact performance though

cleverca22 commented 8 years ago

could keep a cache of recently used files in a normal tmpfs, and relay things over to that to boost performance back up

davidar commented 8 years ago

@cleverca22 another idea that was mentioned previously was to add support for NAR to ipfs, so that we can transparently unpack it as we do with TAR currently (ipfs tar --help)

Ericson2314 commented 8 years ago

NAR sucks though---no file-level dedup we could otherwise get for free. The above might be fine as a temporary step, but Nix should learn about a better format.

davidar commented 8 years ago

@Ericson2314 another option that was mentioned was for Nix and IPFS (and perhaps others) to try to standardise on a common archive format

Ericson2314 commented 8 years ago

@davidar Sure that's always good. For the shortish term, I was leaning towards a stripped down unixfs with just the attributes NAR cares about. As far as Nix is concerned this is basically the same format but with a different hashing scheme.

Ericson2314 commented 8 years ago

Yeah looking at Car, it's seems to be both an "IPFS Schema" over the IPFS Merkel DAG (Unless it just reuses unixfs), and then an interchange format for packing the dag into one binary blob.

That former is cool, but I don't think Nix even needs the latter (except perhaps as a new way to fall back on http etc if IPFS is not available while using a compatible format). For normal operation, I'd hope nix could just ask IPFS to populate the fuse filesystem that is the store given a hash, and everything else would be transparent.

cleverca22 commented 8 years ago

i now have a nixos container booting with a fuse filesystem at /nix/store, which mmap's a bunch of .nar files, and transparently reads the requested files

knupfer commented 8 years ago

What is currently missing for using IPFS? How could I contribute? I really need this feature for work.

knupfer commented 8 years ago

Pinging @jbenet and @whyrusleeping because they are only enlisted on the old issue.

copumpkin commented 8 years ago

@knupfer I think writing a fetchIPFS would be a pretty easy first step. Deeper integration will be more work and require touching Nix itself.

knupfer commented 8 years ago

Ok, I'm working on it but there are some problems. Apparently, ipfs doesn't save the executable flag, so stuff like stdenv doesn't work, because it expects an executable configure. The alternative would be to distribute tarballs and not directories, but that would be clearly inferior because it would exclude deduplication on file level. Any thoughts on that? I could make every file executable, but that would be not very nice...

copumpkin commented 8 years ago

@knupfer it's not great, but would it be possible to distribute a "permissions spec file" paired with a derivation, that specifies file modes out of band? Think of it like a JSON file or whatever format and your thing pulls from IPFS, then applies the file modes to the contents of the directory as specified in the spec. The spec could be identified unique by the folder it's a spec for.

copumpkin commented 8 years ago

In fact, the unit of distribution could be something like:

  "contents": "/ipfs/12345",
  "permissions": "/ipfs/647123"
knupfer commented 8 years ago

Yep, that would work. Albeit it makes it more complicated for the user to add some sources to ipfs. But we could for example give an additional url in the fetchIPFS which wouldn't be in ipfs, and if it fetches from normal web automatically generate the permissions file and add that to ipfs... I'll think a bit about it.

davidak commented 8 years ago

ipfs doesn't save the executable flag

should it? @jbenet

how is ipfs-npm doing it? maybe also just distributes tarballs. that is of course not the most elegant solution.

Ericson2314 commented 8 years ago

I think @knupfer is talking about that thin-waist dag format. This is supposed to be a minimal building block for building more complex data structures. [This is one of the reasons why I am annoyed it supports keys at all---that's an unneeded feature that just causes confusion.]

copumpkin commented 8 years ago

additional url in the fetchIPFS which wouldn't be in ipfs

why would it have to be not in IPFS? it seems like you'd just need a single URL pointing at some sort of structure that points to another IPFS path

knupfer commented 8 years ago

It can be everything in ipfs, the question is how does it enter there. So I thought there could be a conventional url to fetch from when it isn't already in ipfs.

knupfer commented 8 years ago

Ok, I've got a working draft of fetchipfs which reuses a lot of code of fetchzip:

And an example of hello with fetchipfs:

You'd have to add the following to all-packages.nix

fetchipfs = import ../build-support/fetchipfs {
   inherit fetchurl lib unzip;

The ipfs-path now contains a file named executables which lists all files which should be executable seperated by newlines and a directory which contains the source (hello-2.10 in this case).

But I'm not sure, perhaps it would be better to list the executables as optional argument to fetchipfs instead of storing that directly into ipfs. This would be much nicer for updates: Someone just has to add the directory of the updated source, change the hash and change the sha256. Now, you'd have to write a file with executables, even if these didn't change and add this together with the source, like for example: ipfs add -r -w executables hello-2.10

Any thoughts?

Ericson2314 commented 8 years ago

This is a longer term concern, but I just opened an issue for Nix to use the git tree object format as an alternative to Nar . Similarly, I'd like to hack multihash to support that format too (I.e. a "hashing algorithm" which only supports a subset of IPFS dags isomorphic to git trees wrt hashing and DAG shape.)

copumpkin commented 8 years ago

Also note that it looks like @wkennington already added support for ipfs to fetchurl in triton.

knupfer commented 8 years ago

Oh, I didn't know about triton (what's the point of it?). But there are some issues if I'm not wrong. He uses tryDownload, so he's forced to serve tarballs via ipfs. My approach downloads directories from ipfs, but asks the ipfs api to wrap it up as tarball. In this way, it can just use curl but deduplicates on file basis. Afterwards, you'd have to unpack the tarball and make a recursive hash, the tarballs from the ipfs api aren't stable.

At the moment I'm on vacation, in about a week I'll dump a branch here.

copumpkin commented 8 years ago

@knupfer my understanding is that triton is an attempt to "clean slate" nixpkgs/NixOS, and shed a lot of historical stuff we've accumulated over time. Also, it assumes linux and gets rid of the various hackery we need to support darwin and other platforms.

@wkennington can probably comment more sensibly on the actual approach to the IPFS stuff. I just wanted to make people were aware of related work πŸ˜„

jbenet commented 8 years ago

will respond more thoughtfully soon.

cc @nicola @davidar @whyrusleeping @diasdavid

The work we're doing with IPLD will simplify a lot of this. More soon, maybe others can fill in too On Thu, Aug 4, 2016 at 10:57 Daniel Peebles wrote:

@knupfer my understanding is that triton is an attempt to "clean slate" nixpkgs/NixOS, and shed a lot of historical stuff we've accumulated over time. Also, it assumes linux and gets rid of the various hackery we need to support darwin and other platforms.

@wkennington can probably comment more sensibly on the actual approach to the IPFS stuff. I just wanted to make people were aware of related work πŸ˜„

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knupfer commented 8 years ago

So, here is my first draft. It tries in order

And I've changed the hello program to use fetchipfs. Ipfs doesn't store exec flags, so I've added a optional list of execs to fetchipfs, which will be applied (this seems cleaner to me than a different file which describes the execs like discussed in this thread).

The ipfs path expects a directory of the source code and not a tarball. This allows deduplication on file basis and delta updates of big code bases (like latex for example).

Downsides: 1) It doesn't depend on ipfs and therefore can't add files to ipfs 2) Ipfs (the newer versions) is hard to install on nixos and the older version is nonfunctional 3) it needs an ipfs path and a sha256 because of not depending on ipfs 4) when ipfs is running, it increases storage requirements

Comments: 1) It would make a lot of things easier to bite the bullet and depend on ipfs (the exec is about 30mb). Alternatively, we could offer the option in an ipfs module to add new store paths to ipfs (with opt out). 2) We need some script to convert a gx package to a normal go package 4) This is alleviated a bit by btrfs. The dangerous alternative would be to mount ipfs and replace nix store paths with symlinks to ipfs paths. This would also allow some curious features like lazy source code, where only the files which are used for compilation will be downloaded. The itch with that idea is, that we would have to symlink every file and not the directory, to be able to download files with exec flags and change these to have these exec flags (ipfs doesn't store exec flags and symlinks can't change the flag).

Any thoughts on how to proceed?

CMCDragonkai commented 8 years ago

This is assuming the input source is already in IPFS (such as the example with the hello program) right? @knupfer we (me and @plintX) are working on a similar solution but approaching from a different angle. Basically to make it a bit more seamless integration, we will have a package archiver that supplies an ipfs store as a content addressed "input" cache. When a build expression is evaluating a fetchUrl it will first contact the input cache check if the input is already available there, and if not the input is fetched and archived. At some later point this can be integrated into hydra and combined with the "output" cache. Our project is here:

There are extra issues relating to deduplicating compressed inputs...

How we collaborate?

whyrusleeping commented 8 years ago

@knupfer awesome work so far, this is really exciting :)

One thing you might really like is the ipfs tar subcommand set. Its not advertised well because we aren't sure what will become of it once ipld lands (I think it belongs inside unixfs). But it allows you to import and export tar files directly into ipfs. It will expand the tars structure inside ipfs so files get deduped nicely (especially important when dealing with multiple tar files) and retains all executable flags, symlinks and other fun filesystem stuff.

If you want to avoid running a full ipfs node, you could take a look at ipget but i'm not sure if its functional (we havent looked at it in quite a while).

1) It would make a lot of things easier to bite the bullet and depend on ipfs (the exec is about 30mb).

With go1.7 and some other build flags, you can get this down into the 12-15MB range, or even lower depending on what guides youre following.

2) We need some script to convert a gx package to a normal go package

Could you elaborate here on why this is needed? and what it would entail?

4) ...

If the exec flags things is a feature that would really help you, we can add it fairly easily. And maybe only expose it at first behind a feature flag. We havent put it in yet because it presents interesting security concerns that need to be thoroughly thought through.

Ericson2314 commented 8 years ago

N.B. here are some plans for IPFS to support foreign data, including git tree objects which support exactly the FS metadata we care about. I previously opened an issue for teaching Nix to use git trees in addition to NAR. If that IPFS spec is accepted, then we and IPFS can implement git trees in parallel.

Also I wonder if @shlevy's new DaemonStore abstraction is a first step towards eventually teaching Nix to use an arbitrary content addressable storage+networking layer.

All this is much more work and shouldn't impead progress on a more simple fetchIPFS however.

jbenet commented 8 years ago

ipfs doesn't save the executable flag

It should, yes. it doesn't yet. we've run into this problem. unixfs should store some unix flags, as much as git.

knupfer commented 8 years ago

@CMCDragonkai How do you convert the hashes of fetchurl to ipfs paths? Isn't that impossible? I've read your repo, but I don't understand if you're trying to replace nix or to improve it. @whyrusleeping Thanks for the hint with ipfs tar add, I've seen it but I misused it (I tried to ipfs get the resulting path instead of ipfs tar cat), this actually solves my current issues with exec flags. For me, it would be best to just depend on ipfs, but I can't expect that an entire operating system will depend on it. So by not depending and just checking whether there is something that looks like ipfs under the appropriate url, I can expect to integrate this at least into some packages. For example into grsecurity, which has very wonky tarballs. I've looked into ipget, but I dislike the fact that the user reaps the benefit without helping the community.

The problem with gx (don't misunderstand me, I think gx is a great project) is, that it is a quite new package manager which hasn't got any infrastructure on the ipfs side. A fast hack would be to write something like fetchgx. Writing a normal package just for ipfs isn't possible, because gx needs network access, which doesn't exist in the install phase to ensure reproduceability.

cleverca22 commented 8 years ago

my original idea to solve this was to use fuse to mount .nar files onto /nix/store, and it sounds like IPLD could be used to add a nar in a de-duppable fasion maybe?

but that still leaves the issue of how you access a nar from the initrd to mount the rootfs, my original plan was just a directory of bare nar's for the entire store, and then ipfs was free to read/share them

CMCDragonkai commented 8 years ago

@knupfer The package archiver acts like the binary cache. For a nix client, given a URL and other metadata such as the hashes, it should first check the package archiver to see if it has it. If the package archiver doesn't have the input package, it will download the package and multihash it and store it in ipfs and also add an entry into a multikeyed data structure which acts like a multiindex into ipfs and then serve it to the nix client. This should work for any client wishing to content address its inputs and not just ipfs enabled clients. But the multikeyed index is what I think should be able to map the arbitrary hashes that people have specified to the ipfs hash. Also later this can be integrated into hydra so build expressions in nixpkgs can be automatically archived.

knupfer commented 8 years ago

@CMCDragonkai It seems to me that your project takes a lot more work, so in the mean time a fetchipfs makes sense (and helps future ipfs paths).

So, now it's using ipfs tar. It doesn't require anymore to specify execs and it does now when the ipfs path doesn't produce anything download from the given url and upload afterwards to ipfs (when the demon is running). While uploading it does verify the ipfs hash.

Any review would be appreciated!

CMCDragonkai commented 8 years ago

Currently the stream (constant memory) downloading works, parallel multihashing is also working. We are currently working on concurrent threads for each download (supporting just http protocol for now) and perhaps parallel conduit for each step in the pipeline and just benchmarking the best performance parameters. Afterwards we just have to construct the multikeyed index and see how well that integrates to lookups on ipfs.

The fetchipfs would only work for new build expressions right? Also who and where will be hosting the ipfs nodes?

jbenet commented 8 years ago

Also who and where will be hosting the ipfs nodes?

We're happy to help run some nodes for you and pin graphs. Ideally we wouldn't run the only nodes, but we can help support bandwidth

knupfer commented 8 years ago

Yes, it would work only for new build expressions. Every person which has got a daemon running will be hosting exactly the build expressions which this person installed. I think that's sensible, because there are a lot of people which would use it. And it's a strictly better solution than fetchurl, because it has got a fetchurl as a fallback.

knupfer commented 8 years ago

Btw. I'm really interested in your project, perhaps I'll join forces, haskell is my favorite language.

CMCDragonkai commented 8 years ago

So the package archiver could potentially serve ipfsed content to clients that don't have IPFS enabled. I was thinking there would have to be a node of last resort (sort of like the "reserve node") that is just for NixOS community which only archives nixpkgs stuff. Other people hosting their own packages will need to run their own node and I'm not sure but if there was a way to merge different IPFS graphs together that would make cross-graph querying easy.

But whoever wants to join in a torrent like network, every nix client could act like that, and help distribute bandwidth.

I think fetchipfs can also support this package archiver once its ready.

CMCDragonkai commented 8 years ago

@knupfer No problem, our repo is a bit messy atm, we should clean it up so its clearer what's happening and the progress. @plintX

@jbenet That will be cool. Does anyone have an estimate for what the total input package size of all nixpkgs would be?