NixOS / nixops-aws

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Dynamic securityGroupIds #81

Open ip1981 opened 8 years ago

ip1981 commented 8 years ago

We can define resources.ec2KeyPairs and refer them in deployment.ec2. E. g.:

# ...
resources.ec2KeyPairs.petcatKey = { inherit accessKeyId; region = "ap-southeast-1"; };
# ...
petcat = { resources, config, pkgs, lib, ... }: {
 deployment.ec2.keyPair = resources.ec2KeyPairs.petcatKey;
# ...
# ...

We can do the same for security groups, but only when not deploying to VPC. There is a difference between securityGroupIds which should be used for VPC and securityGroups for non-VPC deployments.

If one tries to write securityGroupIds = [ resources.ec2SecurityGroups.petcatSecGroup ]; an error will be raised:

error: The option value `deployment.ec2.securityGroupIds.[definition 1-entry 1]' in `/...' is not a string

Below are some scribbles to fix that. If this looks good, we can get rid of securityGroupIds and just use securityGroups for both VPC and non-VPC deployments. But i'm not vary familiar with nixops to make it the right way :-)

diff --git a/nix/ec2.nix b/nix/ec2.nix
index b1c08d0..ef10b1f 100644
--- a/nix/ec2.nix
+++ b/nix/ec2.nix
@@ -308,7 +308,7 @@ in

     deployment.ec2.securityGroupIds = mkOption {
       default = [];
-      type = types.listOf types.str;
+      type = types.listOf (types.either types.str (resource "ec2-security-group"));
       description = ''
         Security Group IDs for the instance. Necessary if starting
         an instance inside a VPC/subnet. In the non-default VPC, security
diff --git a/nixops/backends/ b/nixops/backends/
index cc95dbd..006ab95 100644
--- a/nixops/backends/
+++ b/nixops/backends/
@@ -595,13 +595,13 @@ class EC2State(MachineState, nixops.resources.ec2_common.EC2CommonState):

     def _get_network_interfaces(self, defn):
-        groups = defn.security_group_ids
+        groups = map(lambda g: g['name'] if isinstance(g, dict) else g, defn.security_group_ids)

-        sg_names = filter(lambda g: not g.startswith('sg-'), defn.security_group_ids)
+        sg_names = filter(lambda g: not g.startswith('sg-'), groups)
         if sg_names != []:
             vpc_id = self._conn_vpc.get_all_subnets([defn.subnet_id])[0].vpc_id
-            groups = map(lambda g: nixops.ec2_utils.name_to_security_group(self._conn, g, vpc_id), defn.security_group_ids)
+            groups = map(lambda g: nixops.ec2_utils.name_to_security_group(self._conn, g, vpc_id), groups)

         return boto.ec2.networkinterface.NetworkInterfaceCollection(
rbvermaa commented 8 years ago

@ip1981 I started a patch for consolidating security groups for both vpc and ec2-classic a while back. We did some groundwork for this in 1.3 release. Let me see if I can dig up the patch, and commit it in the next week or so.

ip1981 commented 8 years ago

that would be great!

k0001 commented 7 years ago

I'm facing this issue as well (and NixOS/nixops-aws#78) :) Have there been any changes related to this?

joehealy commented 6 years ago

is there a workaround to this? or NixOS/nixops-aws#78?

ip1981 commented 5 years ago

Is it fixed?

tbenst commented 4 years ago

@ip1981 thanks for linking that, works for me!

  region = "us-west-2";
  accessKeyId = "myid"; # symbolic name looked up in ~/.ec2-keys or a ~/.aws/credentials profile name
  # We must declare an AWS Subnet for each Availability Zone
  # because Subnets cannot span AZs.
  subnets = [
    { name = "nixops-vpc-subnet-a"; cidr = ""; zone = "${region}a"; }
    { name = "nixops-vpc-subnet-b"; cidr = ""; zone = "${region}b"; }
    { name = "nixops-vpc-subnet-c"; cidr = ""; zone = "${region}c"; }
    { name = "nixops-vpc-subnet-d"; cidr = ""; zone = "${region}d"; }
  domain = "";
  ec2 = { resources, ... }: {
    deployment.targetEnv = "ec2";
    deployment.ec2.accessKeyId = accessKeyId;
    deployment.ec2.region = region;
    deployment.ec2.subnetId = resources.vpcSubnets.nixops-vpc-subnet-c;
    deployment.ec2.instanceType = "t2.micro";
    deployment.ec2.keyPair =;
    deployment.ec2.associatePublicIpAddress = true;
    deployment.ec2.ebsBoot = true;
    deployment.ec2.ebsInitialRootDiskSize = 20;

    /* deployment.ec2.securityGroupIds = [
       ]; */
    deployment.ec2.securityGroupIds = [ "allow-ssh" "allow-http" ];

    /* deployment.route53.hostName = domain; */
  lib = (import <nixpkgs> {}).lib;
  mlflow-server = ec2;

  resources = {
    # Provision an EC2 key pair. =
      { inherit region accessKeyId; };

    # create security groups
    ec2SecurityGroups.allow-ssh = { resources, ... }: {
      inherit region accessKeyId;
      name = "allow-ssh";
      description = "allow-ssh";
      vpcId = resources.vpc.nixops-vpc;
      rules = [
        { fromPort = 22; toPort = 22; sourceIp = ""; }

    ec2SecurityGroups.allow-http = { resources, ... }: {
      inherit region accessKeyId;
      name = "allow-http";
      description = "allow-http";
      vpcId = resources.vpc.nixops-vpc;
      rules = [
        { fromPort = 80; toPort = 80; sourceIp = ""; }
        { fromPort = 443; toPort = 443; sourceIp = ""; }

    # configure VPC
    vpc.nixops-vpc = {
      inherit region accessKeyId;
      instanceTenancy = "default";
      enableDnsSupport = true;
      enableDnsHostnames = true;
      cidrBlock = "";
      tags.Source = "NixOps";

    vpcSubnets =
        makeSubnet = {cidr, zone}:
          { resources, ... }: {
            inherit region zone accessKeyId;
            vpcId = resources.vpc.nixops-vpc;
            cidrBlock = cidr;
            mapPublicIpOnLaunch = true;
            tags.Source = "NixOps";
            ({ name, cidr, zone }: lib.nameValuePair name (makeSubnet { inherit cidr zone; }) )

    vpcRouteTables = {
      route-table = { resources, ... }: {
        inherit accessKeyId region;
        vpcId = resources.vpc.nixops-vpc;

    vpcRoutes = {
      igw-route = { resources, ... }: {
        inherit region accessKeyId;
        routeTableId = resources.vpcRouteTables.route-table;
        destinationCidrBlock = "";
        gatewayId = resources.vpcInternetGateways.nixops-igw;

    vpcRouteTableAssociations =
        association = subnetName: { resources, ... }: {
          inherit accessKeyId region;
          subnetId = resources.vpcSubnets."${subnetName}";
          routeTableId = resources.vpcRouteTables.route-table;
            ({ name, ... }: lib.nameValuePair "association-${name}" (association name) )
    vpcInternetGateways.nixops-igw = { resources, ... }: {
      inherit accessKeyId region;
      vpcId = resources.vpc.nixops-vpc;

    elasticIPs.eip = {
      inherit region accessKeyId;
      vpc = true;

    /* resources.vpcNatGateways.nat = { resources, ... }: {
        inherit region accessKeyId;
        allocationId = elasticIPs.eip;
        subnetId = vpcSubnets.nixops-vpc-subnet-f;
    }; */
