NixOS / nixos-hardware

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Framework laptop battery drain #672

Open jackkav opened 1 year ago

jackkav commented 1 year ago

I have read that non-USB-C adapters can cause the drain, but also S0 sleep. I have attempted to use suspend-then-hibernate to some success but still seeing the battery taking a hit during sleep and potentially even shutdown. Wondeirng if anyone have gotten to the bottom of this and might form a useful contribution to this repo.

This is my current attempt.

services.logind = {
  lidSwitch = "suspend-then-hibernate";
  extraConfig = ''
systemd.sleep.extraConfig = "HibernateDelaySec=2h";
Mic92 commented 1 year ago

I also have an issue to suspend on my Framework, 11 Intel Gen using anything else but the LID (i.e. external keyboard buttons or systemctl suspend). The suspend works but than I cannot wake it up again. I wondering if this also happens here with the HandlePowerKey=suspend-then-hibernate line.

AkechiShiro commented 1 year ago

I'm not sure if this fix could help :

Adding the kernel parameter acpi_osi="!Windows 2020" fixes a regression in s2idle, making the keyboard backlight and power button correctly turn off when suspending, as well as decreasing battery drain in suspend to about 1%/hour[7].

If your system fails to wake up from suspend due to the SSD disconnecting, you can try putting nvme.noacpi=1 in your kernel parameters. This may also improve battery life in suspend, if your SSD has a bad ACPI implementation.

You'd need to also share your SSD model, perhaps.

Sourced from the Archwiki.

myned commented 9 months ago

A newer workaround was added to the ArchWiki for the AMD version.

Add this to the kernel parameters until kernel 6.8 releases with this commit:

huantianad commented 8 months ago

In the common intel config, it currently contains

# Fixes a regression in s2idle, making it more power efficient than deep sleep
"acpi_osi=\"!Windows 2020\""

But in the 12th gen intel config, we set "mem_sleep_default=deep".

These two settings seem to be in conflict with each other, so I'm not sure if s2idle actually gives better sleep battery life. Which one is correct?