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nix-manual redirect ist broken #1452

Closed NobbZ closed 1 month ago

NobbZ commented 1 month ago

Introduce your stance

When one visits old bookmarks to the nix manual, one gets redirected improperly to the new one.

Describe the issue

Like I have these bookmarks:

Which now link to the inexisting:

deeplinks are similarily broken.

To access the wanted contend one has to manually remove the old stability qualifier and manually adjust the version

Page links

See above

Additional context

con-f-use commented 1 month ago

Can confirm. This is a problem.

infinisil commented 1 month ago

See also and and!$TlTHLOrErEmxzWZvC_BcjfmtiPJLoLMSmMqUNnuec8c?

thilobillerbeck commented 1 month ago

A fix for this is already merged, unfortunately our deployment process broke for an unknown reason and I can't fix it on netlifys side since I don't have any permissions. 😅

NobbZ commented 1 month ago

See also #1448 and #1451 and!$TlTHLOrErEmxzWZvC_BcjfmtiPJLoLMSmMqUNnuec8c?

I had seen the title of #1448 but didn't connect "the redirects for the nix-manual" and "links on" in my head.

Thank you for the heads up and I hope you get the deployment issues fixed soon!

How to open Matrix-links? How am I supposed to open links to the matrix? When I clich them, I sometimes see "Do you want to open the preview" and after that I always see "which app do you want to use", and there I can select my prefered client, which gets me to an intermediate site, where I either can click "Download" or wait to an XDG-open popup to appear, though after that nothing happens. I am stuck on this on my NixOS machines as well as my Ubuntu/plasma and on an equivalent workflow on my mobile. Why is there no "open read only in web"? I know, you can't really change that, but perhaps at least explain or document a workflow that actually works, ideally without requiring to install additional software or having a matrix account.
garbas commented 1 month ago

This should be now fixed. Please reopen if that is still the case.