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yarn sets $NODE env variable to the node version from nix which breaks some usages #145634

Open ahmedelgabri opened 2 years ago

ahmedelgabri commented 2 years ago

Describe the bug

nixpkgs.yarn (or nixpkgs.nodePackages.yarn) sets $NODE to a specific node version, which will it error out when used in a project that has strict engine requirements inside package.json

Steps To Reproduce

I created a simple repo to be able to reproduce this issue

  1. make sure to install nixpkgs.yarn & nixpkgs.fnm (or nvm)
  2. Clone the repo
  3. Run fnm use --install-if-missing to install the version from .nvmrc file
  4. Validate that you get the correct version node -v & which node should point to the node coming from fnm
  5. Run yarn start, it shouldn't run & you will get this error
error nix-yarn-issue@1.0.0: The engine "node" is incompatible with this module. Expected version ">= 16". Got "14.18.1"
error Commands cannot run with an incompatible environment.
info Visit for documentation about this command.
  1. Run this command
yarn env | grep -E "\"(NODE|npm_node_execpath|npm_config_user_agent)\""

The output should look like this

"NODE": "/nix/store/d37aprv8pxqpslag1yq6n0q2q0fnpqwg-nodejs-14.18.1/bin/node",
"npm_node_execpath": "/nix/store/d37aprv8pxqpslag1yq6n0q2q0fnpqwg-nodejs-14.18.1/bin/node",
"npm_config_user_agent": "yarn/1.22.17 npm/? node/v14.18.1 darwin x64",

The problem is that nix sets the NODE environment variable to the nix node executable, which then yarn picks up and sets npm_node_execpath to the same value.

I tried to search the repo to find where exactly this is happening but I couldn't really find it.

Overriding NODE is not the solution because this doesn't affect npm_config_user_agent & will still error out.

So doing this doesn't work

export NODE=$(which node) yarn start

It will result in the same error here

error nix-yarn-issue@1.0.0: The engine "node" is incompatible with this module. Expected version ">= 16". Got "14.18.1"
error Commands cannot run with an incompatible environment.
info Visit for documentation about this command.

because the output looks like this

"NODE": "/Users/ahmed/.fnm/node-versions/v16.13.0/installation/bin/node",
"npm_node_execpath": "/Users/ahmed/.fnm/node-versions/v16.13.0/installation/bin/node",
"npm_config_user_agent": "yarn/1.22.17 npm/? node/v14.18.1 darwin x64", # this is not correct still

This problem doesn't happen if yarn is installed using homebrew or directly curl -o- -L | bash.

This is the result when using yarn which is installed using homebrew

"NODE": "/Users/ahmed/.fnm/node-versions/v16.13.0/installation/bin/node",
"npm_node_execpath": "/Users/ahmed/.fnm/node-versions/v16.13.0/installation/bin/node",
"npm_config_user_agent": "yarn/1.22.17 npm/? node/v16.13.0 darwin x64",

Expected behavior

That yarn works correctly & switch NODE, npm_node_execpath & npm_config_user_agent when the node version is changed.

Additional context

Add any other context about the problem here.

Notify maintainers

@DamienCassou (sorry if you are not the maintainer but I couldn't mention anyone from the maintainer list)


Please run nix-shell -p nix-info --run "nix-info -m" and paste the result.

[user@system:~]$ nix-shell -p nix-info --run "nix-info -m"
 - system: `"x86_64-darwin"`
 - host os: `Darwin 21.1.0, macOS 10.16`
 - multi-user?: `no`
 - sandbox: `no`
 - version: `nix-env (Nix) 2.4pre20210326_dd77f71`
 - channels(ahmed): `"darwin, nixpkgs-21.05pre286546.2cca79be09c"`
 - nixpkgs: `/nix/store/vpgzs19895khmlgjryi4y9w7cd2br1m5-source`

Maintainer information:

# a list of nixpkgs attributes affected by the problem
# a list of nixos modules affected by the problem
DamienCassou commented 2 years ago

I have no clue about this issue, I'm sorry.

/cc @offlinehacker @screendriver

Artturin commented 2 years ago
nix why-depends ".#yarn" ".#nodejs" --all
└───libexec/yarn/bin/yarn.js: …#!/nix/store/rdagrwgmq8n9jcs5iq5xpcxcxnh0lcc7-nodejs-14.18.1/bin/node../* esl…
    libexec/yarn/bin/yarnpkg: …#!/nix/store/rdagrwgmq8n9jcs5iq5xpcxcxnh0lcc7-nodejs-14.18.1/bin/node.require…
    libexec/yarn/lib/cli.js: …#!/nix/store/rdagrwgmq8n9jcs5iq5xpcxcxnh0lcc7-nodejs-14.18.1/bin/node.module.…
    → /nix/store/rdagrwgmq8n9jcs5iq5xpcxcxnh0lcc7-nodejs-14.18.1

there's a nodejs14 shebang in those so this might be the reason

ahmedelgabri commented 2 years ago

@Artturin any clue how can this be changed? looking at the derivation it seems like something happens at the build phase because the install phase is a simple symlinking

samuela commented 2 years ago

I'm seeing the exact same issue using the nodejs-16_x and yarn packages as of c11d08f02390aab49e7c22e6d0ea9b176394d961. I have the following in my package.json:

  "engines": {
    "node": ">=16"

But I'm seeing the following when trying to run yarn:

[nix-shell:~/dev/cuddlefish/next]$ node --version

[nix-shell:~/dev/cuddlefish/next]$ yarn run dev
yarn run v1.22.17
error next@: The engine "node" is incompatible with this module. Expected version ">=16". Got "14.18.1"
error Commands cannot run with an incompatible environment.
info Visit for documentation about this command.

which is obviously a contradiction. I have no idea where 14.18.1 is coming from besides the fact that it is the current nodejs version for the nixpkgs commit I'm on.


❯ nix-shell -p nix-info --run "nix-info -m"
 - system: `"aarch64-darwin"`
 - host os: `Darwin 21.1.0, macOS 12.0.1`
 - multi-user?: `yes`
 - sandbox: `no`
 - version: `nix-env (Nix) 2.4`
 - channels(samuelainsworth): `"darwin, home-manager, nixpkgs-21.11pre330734.5cb226a06c4"`
 - channels(root): `"nixpkgs-21.11pre330734.5cb226a06c4"`
 - nixpkgs: `/Users/samuelainsworth/.nix-defexpr/channels/nixpkgs`
samuela commented 2 years ago

Any known workaround for this?

EDIT: Using an override works for me:

    (yarn.override {
      nodejs = nodejs-16_x;
ahmedelgabri commented 2 years ago

@samuela override doesn't solve the problem if you work with different projects & everyone requires a different node version this will still break.

samuela commented 2 years ago

Totally, it's just a hack for the time being. I'd still like to see this resolved properly as well!

thall commented 2 years ago

With overlay:

nixpkgs.overlays = [(
  self: super: {
    yarn = super.yarn.override {
      nodejs = pkgs.nodejs-16_x;
ahmedelgabri commented 2 years ago

@thall This doesn't solve the problem. Because now yarn will not work with any project that's using an older version

The reason why the shebang should stay the same is this, yarn will work as expected in any project & picking up the project version correctly.

spencerpogo commented 2 years ago

The override works for pkgs.yarn but not pkgs.nodePackages.yarn.

thall commented 2 years ago

@thall This doesn't solve the problem. Because now yarn will not work with any project that's using an older version

#145634 (comment)

@ahmedelgabri Yes, I know that, its not a solution, just a workaround that I wanted to share.

j-a-m-l commented 2 years ago

I've also this problem, @ahmedelgabri, and I've fixed it in a shell.nix to have a reproducible local environment for each project:

New project:

{ pkgs ? import <nixpkgs> {
  overlays = [(
    self: super: {
      yarn = super.yarn.override {
        nodejs = pkgs.nodejs-18_x;
} }:
  pkgs.mkShell {
    nativeBuildInputs = with pkgs; [

Other, older, project, does not need the overlay:

{ pkgs ? import <nixpkgs> { } }:
  pkgs.mkShell {
    nativeBuildInputs = with pkgs; [
nixos-discourse commented 1 year ago

This issue has been mentioned on NixOS Discourse. There might be relevant details there:

tennox commented 1 year ago

The override works for pkgs.yarn but not pkgs.nodePackages.yarn.

To resolve this (also useful for e.g. nodePackages.pnpm) it can be achieved by overlaying the default nodejs package:

overlays = [ (self: prevPkgs: {
    nodejs = prevPkgs.nodejs-16_x;
}) ]

which is then used to build nodePackages, so nixpkgs.nodePackages.pnpm will be using that version of nodejs:

$ pnpm node --version
kagworld commented 1 year ago

seems to be using the wrong version

$ yarn node -v
yarn node v1.22.18


$ node `which yarn` node -v
yarn node v1.22.18

nodePackages.yarn pinned the nodejs version that got installed the first time

$ head -1 `which yarn`
davidpfarrell commented 1 year ago

I was in the process of creating a new issue but luckily discovered this so I'll share my thoughts/findings here:

The decision to symlink yarn to bin/yarn.js instead of bin/yarn makes it impossible invoke yarn directly using a custom node version.

The official yarn package has yarn as a shell script and yarn.js as a node script




#!/usr/bin/env node

Additionally, yarn.js will use whichever node version is first on the path.

HOWEVER, after being nixified, the #! expressions become hard-coded and we lose the dynamic nature of the original:

fresh install of yarn

$ nix-shell -p yarn

$ which yarn

check path-installed commands

$ ls -l `dirname \`which yarn\``

total 0
lrwxr-xr-x 1 root nixbld 27 Dec 31  1969 yarn -> ../libexec/yarn/bin/yarn.js
lrwxr-xr-x 1 root nixbld 27 Dec 31  1969 yarnpkg -> ../libexec/yarn/bin/yarn.js

check #! settings of installed commands

$ head -1 `dirname \`realpath \\\`which yarn\\\`\``/yarn{,.js}

==> /nix/store/xblz3z89rsnfmmj1zyji3n3v2rvrp2m4-yarn-1.22.19/libexec/yarn/bin/yarn <==

==> /nix/store/xblz3z89rsnfmmj1zyji3n3v2rvrp2m4-yarn-1.22.19/libexec/yarn/bin/yarn.js <==

So when yarn.js is invoked directly, it will ALWAYS use whichever version of node is hard-coded in the #!.

However, if we could invoke the yarn shell script, it will check the path for which node version to use.

My recommended fix:

Modify the nix pkg installation steps to symlink yarn to the yarn shell script and not the yarn.js node script.

Additionally, I think hard-coding the #! in the yarn.js script is a bit of a bug, but not sure if there's a configuration option in the nixpkg to skip the fixup for that script?